Health Care News Podcast

Have you ever visited a pharmacy only to discover that your prescription medication was out of stock? This issue is not limited to drug stores; it also occurs in hospitals and medical clinics, and the cause is rarely due to a lack of raw materials. John Goodman, the president of the Goodman Center for Public Policy Research and co-publisher of Health Care News, testified about prescription drug shortages before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security. He argued that the primary source of the problem lies in flawed public policy that constrains the pharmaceutical market.
Goodman revealed that between 186 and 308 drugs experience shortages, including some life-saving medications. As a result, hospitals and doctors are often forced to delay treatment or use alternative drugs, which can lead to even more significant issues down the line. One contributing factor is the FDA's stringent regulations, which make it exceedingly difficult for drug manufacturers to swiftly respond to fluctuations in demand. Consequently, competitors struggle to fill the gap.
Other factors exacerbating the situation include a rule that mandates pharmacies to utilize the least expensive alternative for a drug, often a generic version. This regulation suggests that the only critical aspect of a drug is its price. Moreover, rules governing Medicare Part B can contribute to shortages, as well as a lesser-known program called 340B. This program enables large hospital corporations to acquire drugs at extremely low prices and then mark them up for third-party payers.
Goodman’s testimony can be read here.

Creators & Guests

AnneMarie Schieber
AnneMarie Schieber brings decades of experience as an investigative news reporter to the forefront as host of Health Care News from The Heartland Institute. Along with hosting the podcast, Schieber is the managing editor of Health Care News, Heartland's monthly newspaper for health care reform. Before her work in the liberty movement, Schieber spent several decades at television stations in Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania. The Associated Press awarded her the top honor of "Best Individual Reporting" for being the first reporter to call attention to government efforts to subsidize spending by increasing automobile fines, typically on low-income motorists.

What is Health Care News Podcast?

The Heartland Institute podcast featuring libertarian and conservative health care scholars who are working to put power back into the hands of patients and doctors, and away from government bureaucrats.