Welcome to Camano Island Podcast

Stanwood and Camano Island have a unique school district, because it spans two different counties. This makes it a bit confusing, but that is why we are bringing you this episode!

Show Notes

This episode of the Welcome to Camano Island Podcast is Brought to you by Windermere Real Estate, Stanwood & Camano Island. Visit their website at - https://windermerestanwoodcamano.com/

If you have topic suggestions, or have additional questions about what was discussed today, feel free to reach out to us here at chamber@camanoisland.org 

Links to Things Mentioned in this Episode:

What is Welcome to Camano Island Podcast?

The Welcome to Camano Island Podcast is here to welcome you to this amazing new place! We want to give you all of the information you need to jump start your life here on the Easy Island!