KickoffLabs On Growth

Stephanie Chan works for Metal Pay. They had an iOS version of their payments app and needed to build buzz for the launch of their Android version. Learn how they did this with KickoffLabs and collected over 60,000 email addresses!

Show Notes

You'll learn how they leveraged an existing audience, built out a referral program, and rewarded people for telling their friends to dramatically lower the cost of their app launch. 

Mass adoption requires simplicity. If you are going for a mass market like the payment app space you need a dead simple message with a value proposition that's easy to explain.

You need to overcome objections. With a financial product people are going to be skeptical. Doubly so if it's a space like crypto. They needed to explain how a users money would be safe. 

Early access waitlists work. "Having an early access leaderboard/waitlist worked pretty fantastically to get people sharing and referring friends." 

Beta testing is a reward. People who are enthusiastic influencers are also the same people who want to be a part of your team and give great feedback!


What is KickoffLabs On Growth?

KickoffLabs On Growth is a podcast aimed to help you launch and grow your business. We’ll share our own stories and feature interviews with successful startup founders and marketing experts.