Modernize or Die ® Podcast

2024-04-16 Weekly News — Episode 214

Watch the video version on YouTube at

  • Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
  • Brad Wood - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. 
A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
  • Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit East
  •  Event Date: April 24, 2024
    • Hosted By: Adobe & Carahsoft
    • Location: Reston, VA
  • Buy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC
  • MAY 15th - 17th,2024 - Washington, DC
  • Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. 
  • Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our Repos
    • Star all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with 
  • Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOW
  • Sign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularly
  • BOXLife store:
  • Buy Ortus’s Books
    • 102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (
    • Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!
    • Learn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online or buy an EBook or Paper copy 
Patreon Support (Humbling)

We have 50 patreons:

News and Announcements

CFCamp has announced the first batch of Sessions

This year's programme was once again open for participation from the CFML and wider development communities. If you're interested in what the Call For Papers for CFCamp 2024 looked like - it's still online on (but now closed as of end of March 2024).

So far, we have confirmed and announced 20 sessions. There are still a few more to come, stay tuned.

The sessions will be assigned to slots and rooms a bit closer to the event.

Redis changed license - and spawned ValKey

Redis, a tremendously popular tool for storing data in-memory rather than in a database, recently switched its licensing from an open source BSD license to both a Source Available License and a Server Side Public License (SSPL).

The software project and company supporting it were fairly clear in why they did this. Redis CEO Rowan Trollope wrote on March 20 that while Redis and volunteers sponsored the bulk of the project's code development, "the majority of Redis’ commercial sales are channeled through the largest cloud service providers, who commoditize Redis’ investments and its open source community." Clarifying a bit, "cloud service providers hosting Redis offerings will no longer be permitted to use the source code of Redis free of charge."

Vercel Releasing new Pricing July 21st

Vercel pricing is going from golden to arm and a leg of gold.
Look at using your own VPS and save $$$

New Releases and Updates

ICYMI - Quick 7.4 – 8
New hasManyDeep relationship and revamped hasManyThrough.
Better performance, correct constraints, and increased readability.

ICYMI - qb 9.8
New withAlias function that will automatically rename fully qualified columns with the old name or alias.

ICYMI - Megaphone 1.0.1
Uses the default cbMailServices email provider and logs success and failure by default.

Webinars, Meetups and Workshops

CF Summit Online
Charlie Arehart has provided all the links for this

List of Sessions, Descriptions and Links:
Youtube Playlist of the Sessions:

ICYMI - Mid-Michigan CFUG - Charlie Arehart - What if no one is monitoring your DB server?
April 9th
Blog on the topic:

CFCasts Content Updates

Recent Releases

Conferences and Training

CF Summit East - NEXT WEEK!!!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - FREE
8:00am - 4:00pm
Carahsoft Conference & Collaboration Center
11493 Sunset Hills Road,
Reston, VA 20190

ACP Training prior to CF Summit East

ColdBox 7 Workshop at Adobe CF Summit East 2024

A Deep Dive into ColdBox 7.2
Date: April 25th - 26th, 2024 | After Adobe CFSummit East
Speakers: Luis Majano, creator of ColdBox
Elevate Your CFML Development Skills!
Master ColdBox 7.2 from the Ground Up in Our Workshop Following CFSummit East 2024
Calling all CFML developers and enthusiasts! We are thrilled to announce an upcoming event that promises to elevate your skills and empower you with ColdBox's latest updates and features. This two-day workshop is led by the creator of ColdBox, Luis Majano. You'll dive into ColdBox 7.2, exploring new features, updates, and fixes to build modern, high-quality projects.
Whether you're a beginner looking to jumpstart your journey into the MVC ecosystem or an experienced developer seeking to refine your ColdBox skills, this workshop is designed to meet your needs. Get ready for an immersive experience that keeps you at the forefront of ColdBox development!
Tickets are limited, get yours now and save with early bird pricing

ITB 2024

CFCamp 2024

CF Summit West in Las Vegas

At Resorts World - New venue!!!
Sep 30 - Oct 1st for the Conference
Oct 2nd for the Certification

$99 for the Session Pass right now.
Coupon code might be in your email if you are a previous attendee for even better pricing
$199 for the Professional Pass - include Certification Training on the 2nd of Oct.

Call for Speakers is Open!!!


Resorts World
3000 S Las Vegas Blvd,
Las Vegas, NV, United States, Nevada

Looking for accommodations?

We've secured exclusive, low room rates of $105 + taxes/day especially for our attendees! Easy and hassle-free booking is just a click away.

Secure your spot now to make the most of your trip with comfortable and affordable accommodations

Ortus - Workshop - TBA

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

4/16/24 - Blog - Cristobal - Ortus Solutions - Hackers demand a ransom to restore data from my ColdFusion web applications!
Unfortunately, we often hear this message from clients who thought it would never happen to them... until it did. Some believed they could delay the expense of Implementing ColdFusion security best practices for one year, while others were tempted to put it off for just a few months. However, in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the security of web applications, including ColdFusion web applications, is more critical than ever.

4/16/24 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Extracting JSON Embedded Within A Generate HTML File In ColdFusion
Yesterday, I looked at decoding the output of encodeForJavaScript() in ColdFusion. That post was a stepping stone for today's exploration; which is extracting said serialized JSON payload from a generated HTML file in ColdFusion.
As I mentioned yesterday, I often use the encodeForJavaScript() function to embed ColdFusion data into a JavaScript context. This is helpful when rendering a Single-Page Application (SPA) experience. But, it's also helpful when generating static HTML files.

4/15/24 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Decoding The EncodeForJavaScript() Output In ColdFusion
In ColdFusion, I often embed JSON payloads in a JavaScript context using the built-in encodeForJavaScript() function. This function makes sure to escape the given value such that a persisted cross-site scripting (XSS) attack cannot be perpetrated. On the JavaScript side, I then consume this encoded string value using JSON.parse()—note that JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the intermediary representation format.

4/14/24 - Blog - Greg Alexander - Building Image Sliders with Stunning Transitions Using Swiper
In this article, I will show you how to implement sliders and carousels with stunning transition effects using Swiper. We will also discuss carousels' benefits and drawbacks and when to use them. We also include an example Swiper application allowing you to build your own Swiper carousel using Uppy and ColdFusion.

4/11/24 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Forking Hotwire Turbo To Make It ColdFusion Compatible
For a while now, my blog has been running on the Hotwire stack of client-side technologies which includes Turbo. Turbo seeks to push a lot of the rich interactivity back to the server-side, making robust applications easier to develop. Only, it doesn't work with the .cfm file extension used by ColdFusion. And, for reasons that remain unclear, the Turbo maintainers seem highly resistant to providing a configuration option for file extensions. As such, I wanted to fork Turbo in order to make it play nicely with ColdFusion.

4/11/24 - Tweet - Zac Spitzer - Too many slides for his CFCamp Presentation
Reminds me of me

4/9/24 - Blog - Charlie Arehart - Delighted to be presenting at CFCamp 2024, on "Using Redis for session storage in ACF and Lucee"
I'm delighted to share the news that I've been selected to be a presenter again at the wonderful CFCamp event, being held again June 13-14 in Munich, Germany. (I got the news last week but have been overwhelmed with recent work, so I've been behind posting such news. I have still more to come.)
As one of the premier conferences for both Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee, I highly recommend you attend the event if you can. Plus, if you don't live in Europe it's a great excuse to vacation on the continent and be tax-deductible at the same time! :-)

4/9/24 - Blog - Charlie Arehart - Recordings available for the recent 17-session Adobe ColdFusion Summit Online 2024
If you may have missed the news, Adobe recently held an online event over several weeks (Mid-Feb to Mid-March) where they had most of the presenters from the Adobe CF Summit 2023 in Vegas give repeats of their talks. Of course, it's a great way for those who can't attend the event to see the talks--and for the presenters it can be a great chance to tweak their talks since giving them a few months before.
And the recordings are all available online, and here's how to find them.

2/22/24 - Blog - Greg Alexander - Implementing Client Side File Uploading with Uppy
In this article, I will show you how to integrate Uppy, a popular open-sourced JavaScript uploader, with ColdFusion to allow your users to upload files.

I will show you how to configure and customize Uppy and provide a working example of how to post files to the server using XHR and a ColdFusion backend.

Additionally, we will cover how to change Uppy’s appearance and potentially how to integrate Uppy with Kendo Core themes.


Several positions available on

Listing over 123 ColdFusion positions from 76 companies across 52 locations in 5 Countries.

Contract - Remote Senior ColdFusion Developer at Los Angeles
United States
Posted Apr 16

Full-Time - Senior ColdFusion Developer - Remote
Melbourne, FL
Posted Apr 02

2 new jobs listed in the last few weeks

Other Job Links
  • There is a jobs channel in the CFML slack team, and in the Box team slack now too

ForgeBox Module of the Week


A collection of helpers for interacting with VueJS

Correctly serialize all values from CFML for use in Vue props:

prop( value )

<my-custom-component :my-prop="#prop( myCFMLValue )#"></my-custom-component>

ColdBox Vite Helpers

This module provides a vite helper function in your views for loading files generated by Vite and the coldbox-vite-plugin in your ColdBox applications.

VS Code Hint, Tip, and Trick of the Week

Anima: Figma Design to Code | Front-End Coding Assistant

Anima Front-end Code Assistant
Simplify, Accelerate, and Enjoy Front-End Development

Introducing the Anima Code Assistant – your companion for front-end development. Designed to simplify and accelerate the process of translating Figma designs into React code with precision and efficiency.


Figma to React Code Translation

  • Convert Figma designs into React code.
  • Generate boilerplate React components and layouts directly from your Figma designs.

Guided UI Development - Coming Soon!

  • Receive real-time guidance to ensure your code aligns perfectly with your design.
  • Accelerate development with intelligent code suggestions tailored to your design elements.
  • Maintain consistency between your design and codebase effortlessly.
  • Save Time, Code Smarter

Save time and code smarter with the Anima Code Assistant. Join a growing community of developers who rely on Anima to expedite their UI development process.

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, 

Their Contributions fund the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like 
  • ForgeBox for our 
  • Package Management with CommandBox. 

You can support us on Patreon here

Don’t forget, we have Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses everyone.

  • Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
  • All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Channel access BoxTeam Slack

Top Patreons (humbling)
  • John Wilson - Synaptrix
  • Tomorrows Guides
  • Jordan Clark
  • Gary Knight
  • Giancarlo Gomez (Bell-an-jer)
  • Dan Card
  • James Moberg & Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media 
  • Dean Maunder
  • Kevin Wright
  • Doug Cain 
  • Nolan Erck 
  • Abdul Raheen

And many more Patreons - up to 50 now!!!!!

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

Thanks everyone!!!

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Modernize or Die ® Podcast?

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.