Channel 33 With Yousra Elbagir

In our final episode for this series, Yousra Elbagir catches up with Jessica Lanyadoo a renowned astrologer and psychic medium to talk about how to understand information in your birth chart, the snapshot of the sky the moment you were born and how to use the language of astrology to better understand everything from our heritage and health to our creativity.

What is Channel 33 With Yousra Elbagir?

Welcome to Channel 33, a new podcast series presented by Sole and hosted by Sudanese-British journalist and writer, Yousra Elbagir.

In this series Yousra speaks with creators and craftspeople who are shaping the cultural landscape and raising the bar in their respective fields. Listen in as her guests share their personal journeys, the essences of impactful creative work and how mission, purpose, and legacy lead to immortal impact.