The Run Smarter Podcast

The Run Smarter Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 138 Season 1

Shin Splints is there a solushin? with Ben Lindsay


Ben Lindsay is the managing director at Solushin, a patented Counter-Traction Technology that effectively treats medial tibial stress syndrome. Ben & his team recognised the importance of effective shin splint treatments (training modification, strength training & orthotics) but set out to design a product in conjunction with these traditional treatment to accelerate recover times. We dive into misconceptions with shin splint treatments, explain the Solushin device along with practical applications & what studies have been conducted to prove its effectiveness.    Click here for the solushin's website & clinical blog.  Enter code 'RUNSMARTERSERIES' at checkout, to get 15% off your Solushin product! (Apple users: Click 'Episode Website' for links to..) Become a patron! Receive Run Smarter Emails Book a FREE Injury chat with Brodie Run Smarter App IOS or Android  Podcast Facebook group Run Smarter Course with code 'PODCAST' for 3-day free trial.

Show Notes

Ben Lindsay is the managing director at Solushin, a patented Counter-Traction Technology that effectively treats medial tibial stress syndrome.
Ben & his team recognised the importance of effective shin splint treatments (training modification, strength training & orthotics) but set out to design a product in conjunction with these traditional treatment to accelerate recover times.
We dive into misconceptions with shin splint treatments, explain the Solushin device along with practical applications & what studies have been conducted to prove its effectiveness.   
Click here for the solushin's website & clinical blog
Enter code 'RUNSMARTERSERIES' at checkout, to get 15% off your Solushin product!

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What is The Run Smarter Podcast?

Expand your running knowledge, identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, SMARTER runner. Let Brodie Sharpe become your new running guide as he teaches you powerful injury insights from his many years as a physiotherapist while also interviewing the best running gurus in the world. This is ideal for injured runners & runners looking for injury prevention and elevated performance. So, take full advantage by starting at season 1 where Brodie teaches you THE TOP PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ANY RUNNING INJURY and let’s begin your run smarter journey.