Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast

This episode of the Insights Podcast features a very interesting conversation with Mike Fenton, the CEO of ACG Toronto (Association for Corporate Growth), an organization that brings deal makers together to help them achieve their business and professional goals. ACG was founded in1954 and promotes itself as the premier M&A making community with more than 100,000 members in 61 markets. Atlantic Canada has caught the attention of ACG who will be hosting its third Atlantic Network Conference on September 18th focusing on the growing investment opportunities within the region. More than 200 investors are expected to attend this year's conference including the Northeast US and Central Canada. Mike provides a great overview of the work of ACG and why Atlantic Canada is becoming increasingly of interest to those outside the region as an investment opportunity. It reinforces our opinion that our economy is in transition, and it posed for transformational economic change. Attracting outside capital interest confirms that belief.

What is Insights with Don Mills and David Campbell- An Acadia Broadcasting Podcast?

This podcast combines the experiences of an economist, David Campbell and a social scientist, Don Mills, to explore the challenges and opportunities facing Atlantic Canada, to promote data-driven decision making among policymakers and to encourage a wider dialogue and debate leading to greater prosperity for the region. Expect to hear interviews with the top influencers, business leaders and decision-makers across Atlantic Canada to inform, educate and expand the conversations on the key issues facing the region.