I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson

I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 6

I Am... Davina MacKail

I Am... Davina MacKailI Am... Davina MacKail

Jonny speaks to Davina MacKail, shamanic expert, dream interpreter, feng shui, tarot and astrology specialist and way more, in this jam packed episode of the I AM podcast. Bringing together all her amazing understandings from many different disciplines, Davina explores and offers tips and guidance for many avenues of unlocking potential. Whether it is stepping out of victimhood, connecting with nature, listening to the planets, being present, home management for inner clarity, tapping into our subconscious dream state for problem solving or giving ourselves permission to evolve and grow. She’s got it covered in this next hour or so. Definitely a polymath, Davina MacKail, is also an author and a coach on top of all this and you can uncover more about her, her insights and the Elemental Retreats she runs –
Medicine without the medicine – by going to Davinamackail.com or naturalwisdom.co 
Get in contact with us too at iampodcastquestions@gmail.com

What is I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson?

Conversations about human potential, uncovering new connections with life.

Through discussions about peace, performance and potential, this podcast takes you to places you may not expect with people you may not expect it from.