Fantasy Sports Collective

Episode 82 of the Fantasy Sports Collective Podcast is an overview of why NFL Preseason games don't matter, and specifically don't allow a specific play, statistical performance and result sway your rankings significantly.  Preseason games are where you can get a clue as to pecking order and specific roles, but just because a third team running back runs wild in the 2nd half of a preseason game does not mean they will have a role come September. 

FSCollective Podcast is a sports talk primarily covering Fantasy Football, College Fantasy, and a sprinkling of NBA NFL talk. You can find more written pieces and our collection of podcasts at

Fantasy Sports Collective Podcast is available on all pod streaming services; subscribe today @ Apple Podcasts /Google Play Store / Soundcloud / TuneIn / Stitcher/ Spotify
Twitter:  FSCollective 

What is Fantasy Sports Collective?

An Opinionated Fantasy Sports Podcast discussing Fantasy Football, College Fantasy Football, and a little NBA.