I Made This

Rich Johnston has been reporting on comic book rumors since 1994. Currently, he's the Head Writer and Founder of BleedingCool.com, a site known for breaking comic book news long before DC or Marvel issues a press release. Bleeding Cool has quite a reputation among comic book professionals, and we dig in on how Rich feels about all that, as well as how he sources stories and the people who've helped him along the way.

Show Notes

Rich Johnston has been reporting on comic book rumors since 1994. Currently, he's the Head Writer and Founder of BleedingCool.com, a site known for breaking comic book news long before DC or Marvel issues a press release. Bleeding Cool has quite a reputation among comic book professionals, and we dig in on how Rich feels about all that, as well as how he sources stories and the people who've helped him along the way.

Show Notes
Bleeding Cool
Bill's Dragon Con Reporting For Bleeding Cool
The Billy West Interview

What is I Made This?

Bill Meeks talks to passionate people executing their "Big Ideas" in realistic ways. From entrepreneurs to artists and everything in between, I Made This tells the stories of dreamers just like you.