Pioneers in Health

Brock Slabach is the COO of the National Rural Health Association and is an expert on rural health, health system delivery and payment reform, and improving access to health care.
Prior to joining NRHA in 2008, Brock served as a rural hospital administrator for more than 21 years and has served on the NRHA board and the regional policy board of the American Hospital Association.
Brock specializes in rural health system development that encompasses population health and the varied payment programs moving rural providers into value-based purchasing models. Slabach is a member of the National Quality Forum’s Measures Application Partnership (MAP) Hospital and Rural Health Workgroup and serves on the board of the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC).
Brock is also the 2015 recipient of the National Rural Health Resource Center’s Calico Quality Leadership Award, and received the American Society of Healthcare Pharmacists (ASHP) Board of Directors’ Award of Honor for 2018.

What is Pioneers in Health?

Welcome to the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund Podcast, Pioneers in Health. We hope to bring you inspiring stories of pioneering health leaders who led important efforts to improve health. We’ll bring you guests from our state, from our nation and from your backyard to tell their stories of how they broke new ground and changed the landscape of health care.