
Although relationships naturally develop our character, we shouldn't wait for a relationship to develop character in us. Our culture sometimes treats singleness like garbage rather than a gift. But our perspective doesn't change the actual value of the gift as God designed it.

Show Notes

Our culture sometimes treats singleness like garbage rather than a gift. But our perspective doesn't change the actual value of the gift as God designed it.

Single people, here are 3 things to develop while you wait for your future spouse:
  1. Develop skills. Guys: Here are 7 of the top skills voted on by actual women who answered our online survey this week ... - Communicate with clarity - Handle conflict well - Listen well - Confident and assertive - Manage finances well - Can cook - Knows how to make bed 😆
  2. Develop character. Although relationships naturally develop our character, we should not have to wait for a relationship to develop character in us.
  3. Invest all you have in the kingdom of God.
Married people, here are 3 ways you can love your single friends well:
  1. Celebrate friends who make their singleness count.
  2. Invite people to be a part of your life no matter what season they’re in. If you don't, you can inadvertently communicate "you don't get it" to your friends.
  3. Be careful playing matchmaker. You could offend your friend by revealing how little you actually know about them; Or, you communicate that their worth is found in their relationship status.
Remember that our hope cannot be in a person—a relationship or a relationship status. Our hope is in the only One who will never ever run out on us ... Jesus Christ!

What is Renovate?

Renovate is for young adults in Fort Worth, TX – whether you’re in college, living the post-grad life, figuring out how to adult on your own or venturing into young married life, come find community at Renovate. Visit us online at or find us on social media @renovateftw.