Trve. Cvlt. Pop!

In the words of Noddy Holder, IT'S CHRISTMAS... yeah, we did do that. Ssssssorry about that. It's our last podcast of the year, so we've decided to take the many festive songs of the time and place them in Box A, Box B or Box C... if you don't know what that means, well, we tell you in the show.

Also, who is that at our door on a cold December night?! Why, it's only Alter Bridge and Creed guitarist, and solo artist in his own right, Mr. Mark Tremonti. And he comes bearing the gift of his latest album; Mark Tremonti Christmas Classics Old & New. Mark gives us the lowdown on the holiday season at the Tremonti household before revealing his five favourite Christmas songs of all time. It's a right laugh! God bless us... Every one.
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What is Trve. Cvlt. Pop!?

Trve. Cvlt. Pop! Is a music podcast that doesn’t care about genre.