Staiano Plastic Surgery

 I will talk about:
-Can you repair diastasis recti without having a Tummy Tuck?
-Do I need to have a general anaesthetic for an Arm Reduction?
-Do we offer treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma?
-Do we offer the donut lift technique?
-When having serial excision, does the scar have to be very soft/flat almost, before I can have the next stage of excision?
-I went to Turkey in February for Breast Augmentation and I now have an infection where the incisions were made. My GP is not being very helpful. What would be your advice?......and anything else that crops up!

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.