The Pollsters

Go find Kristen at AAPOR! And Margie’s Austin tips include the 2nd street warehouse district and South Congress.
Poll of the week
Trump is less popular than lice, Nickelback. PPP, you gave us the poll America needed, but didn’t know it wanted.
PPP on Trump  
2016: Controlled Burn
Are Sanders voters going to vote for Trump? And is the general really getting closer already?
WV exit polls (Dem side) Quinnipiac battleground poll Survey Monkey/NBC Nate  silver goes on tweet rant  
Longform is hot!
People spend more time with longform on their cells than shorter content. Facebook sends more visitors, while Twitter users are more engaged.
Pew on media consumption Pew on FB vs. Twitter  
Socialism is not!
Is socialism having its moment? Well, not according to Gallup.
Gallup data on socialism and capitalism over time  
Students don’t  think there is too much testing? Unlike everyone else.
Gallup poll  
Swipe left if you want to go on a date to Arby’s.
Kristen & Margie are launching a side-hustle of helping with your online profiles. Not really.
YouGov on dating app profiles  
Key findings:
If “Make america great again” doesn’t work out, Trump can transition to “Trump: more popular than hemorrhoids” But how popular is trump compared to school testing? Question for further study. Longform is back in! Sort of like other retro habits like canning tomatoes. Or pencils. Is it too early to talk about how too early it is look at general election polling? Not for us! Good thing Margie's not single, because there doesn’t seem to be any dating app for people for Dem women who like white wine & oysters on the half shell.
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Show Notes

Go find Kristen at AAPOR! And Margie’s Austin tips include the 2nd street warehouse district and South Congress.   Poll of the week Trump is less popular than lice, Nickelback. PPP, you gave us the poll America needed, but didn’t know it wanted. PPP on Trump   2016: Controlled Burn Are Sanders voters going to vote for Trump? And is the general really getting closer already? WV exit polls (Dem side) Quinnipiac battleground poll Survey Monkey/NBC Nate  silver goes on tweet rant   Longform is hot! People spend more time with longform on their cells than shorter content. Facebook sends more visitors, while Twitter users are more engaged. Pew on media consumption Pew on FB vs. Twitter   Socialism is not! Is socialism having its moment? Well, not according to Gallup. Gallup data on socialism and capitalism over time   Education: Students don’t  think there is too much testing? Unlike everyone else. Gallup poll   Swipe left if you want to go on a date to Arby’s. Kristen & Margie are launching a side-hustle of helping with your online profiles. Not really. YouGov on dating app profiles   Key findings: If “Make america great again” doesn’t work out, Trump can transition to “Trump: more popular than hemorrhoids” But how popular is trump compared to school testing? Question for further study. Longform is back in! Sort of like other retro habits like canning tomatoes. Or pencils. Is it too early to talk about how too early it is look at general election polling? Not for us! Good thing Margie's not single, because there doesn’t seem to be any dating app for people for Dem women who like white wine & oysters on the half shell.

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Creators & Guests

Kristen Soltis Anderson
Pollster/founder: @echeloninsights. On-air: @cnn. Writer: @nytopinion, The Selfie Vote. Florida woman in DC. Go Gators.
Margie Omero
Margie Omero is a Principal at the Democratic polling firm GBAO with over 25 years of experience providing strategic advice and qualitative and quantitative research to candidates, organizations, and brands.

What is The Pollsters?

Politics. Policy. Polling. Pop Culture.

Explore what America's thinking with two of the country's leading pollsters-the bipartisan team of Democrat Margie Omero and Republican Kristen Soltis Anderson. In this weekly podcast we take a fresh, friendly look at the numbers driving the week's biggest stories in news, politics, tech, entertainment and pop culture. Along with the occasional interview with pollsters, journalists, and other industry leaders, we'll lift the hood on the numbers revealing the hidden secrets of the public's mind.