The Anti-Failure Podcast

Terry is making waves in the water and utilities space. As Founder and CEO of Altogether Group, his leadership style leans on a sense of calm, empathy and setting the example from the top down. Take lessons from his failures along the journey as he talks entrepreneurial mindset, approaches to failure, failing small and failing safe, and building an internal culture that supports all these.

What is The Anti-Failure Podcast?

Successful CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs are unanimous on one thing - there is no success without failure. Failure is to be embraced as it teaches us much more than success ever can.

The Anti-Failure Podcast shares the stories of Australian small businesses and the people behind them, who have faced and embraced failure in order to succeed. Enduring not only despite failure, but because of it. We will unpack the tools, tactics and traits that helped them to emerge victorious, paving the way for other Aussie small businesses.