Christ Community Church - Downtown Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Jehu, King of Israel, was a man of action. He took the throne and wiped out the family of the previous evil king, Ahab. He even destroyed the worship of the false god Baal. But was Jehu's heart truly for God?  He rid Israel of idolatry but left his own heart unchanged. This video looks at the complex legacy of a king with questionable motives. 

2 Kgs. 9:1-13 // Jonathan Neef

Key Takeaways
• Jehu's actions were praised by God in some ways, but not in others
• True devotion to God goes beyond outward appearances
• Our motivations matter more than our actions

Related Searches
King Jehu of Israel, Baal worship, Following God with all your heart

SERMON NOTES (YouVersion):


What is Christ Community Church - Downtown Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Downtown Campus.