Clockworks - A Legion Podcast

Hi everyone! Life forced an unexpected and unwelcome hiatus on us, but we're back until the end of the season, which is also the end of the series! Let's bring this home!

We're talking about season 3 episode 6 this week. On this episode of Legion Oliver and Melanie find baby Syd in the astral plane and raise her, teaching her what she needs to know to save the world.

Show Notes

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Here is the website of Clockworks Academy, Paul's online school teaching courses about Werewolves, Frankenstein, Dracula and more. Check it out and sign up for a course!

We’d love to hear from you! You can talk to us about about Legion by tweeting to us, or shooting us an email at clockworks cast at if what you have to say will take more than 140 characters! You can also discuss this episode in our subreddit. We’re on Facebook and Instagram too if you care about those things!

What is Clockworks - A Legion Podcast?

Clockworks is a podcast about the tv show Legion hosted by Jan and Paul.