Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin

Zed Phoenix is the founder & CEO of He's also a broadcaster and has made a series of YouTube videos on how Bill Gates has infiltrated UK medicine, academia and how he has corrupted the UK Vaccine Network. 

After coming across Zed Phoenix’s interview on ‘The Richie Allen’ show I knew I had to get the information he was revealing more air time. 

Not only was he revealing facts about how much The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gain to make from their relationship with Glaxo Smith Kline should the vaccine they are backing get used, but he also shared information about who was on the UK Vaccine Network and their links to Bill Gates, as well as claiming to have a document from a GlaxoSmithKline employee, that shows clearly, that GSK is considering using infertility causing antigens for vaccines, possibly even the covid-19 vaccine.

Share widely. And yes, Zed was formerly known as Ben Fellows. 


In the interview we discussed:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & who they fund
The UK Vaccine network and how 35 of the 37 member are funded by the Gates Foundation
Which University’s the Gates Foundation fund to the tune of millions of pounds each year
The ingredients that could be in a potential Covid-19 vaccine 
How Zed comes by his research and information 
Why mainstream journalist will not come out with this information
What we can all do to spread this message far and wide & much more

You can find Zed here:

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family, as well as writing a comment, or a review on iTunes.

To Your Health & Happiness


P.S. Since we recorded this episode I have been notified that an article I wrote which included some of the facts Zed presents here have been “fact checked” by website politifacts, who are backed by Facebook. 

The last part of that sentence should tell you all you need to know about how reliable their fact checking is, and what agenda they follow.

Show Notes

Zed Phoenix is the founder & CEO of He's also a broadcaster and has made a series of YouTube videos on how Bill Gates has infiltrated UK medicine, academia and how he has corrupted the UK Vaccine Network. 

After coming across Zed Phoenix’s interview on ‘The Richie Allen’ show I knew I had to get the information he was revealing more air time. 

Not only was he revealing facts about how much The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gain to make from their relationship with Glaxo Smith Kline should the vaccine they are backing get used, but he also shared information about who was on the UK Vaccine Network and their links to Bill Gates, as well as claiming to have a document from a GlaxoSmithKline employee, that shows clearly, that GSK is considering using infertility causing antigens for vaccines, possibly even the covid-19 vaccine.

Share widely. And yes, Zed was formerly known as Ben Fellows. 


In the interview we discussed:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & who they fund
The UK Vaccine network and how 35 of the 37 member are funded by the Gates Foundation
Which University’s the Gates Foundation fund to the tune of millions of pounds each year
The ingredients that could be in a potential Covid-19 vaccine 
How Zed comes by his research and information 
Why mainstream journalist will not come out with this information
What we can all do to spread this message far and wide & much more

You can find Zed here:

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family, as well as writing a comment, or a review on iTunes.

To Your Health & Happiness


P.S. Since we recorded this episode I have been notified that an article I wrote which included some of the facts Zed presents here have been “fact checked” by website politifacts, who are backed by Facebook. 

The last part of that sentence should tell you all you need to know about how reliable their fact checking is, and what agenda they follow.

What is Revive Yourself Podcast With Ryan Martin?

If you want to improve your health and ultimately your life, then the Revive Yourself Podcast with Ryan Martin is exactly what you are looking for.

Join your host Ryan Martin as he dives deep into natural health, holistic healing, alternative medicine, naturopathy, biological medicine and much more all in a bid to give you the knowledge and confidence that your health really does lie in your own hands. Ryan’s aim is to leave no stone unturned when it comes to giving you the best and most recent information out there. Listen in as he interviews the leading specialists from around the world such as scientists, expert authors, doctors, researchers and coaches.

You’ll learn why medication, surgery and conventional “health care” methods aren’t the best options the vast majority of times, and instead how diet, mindfulness, exercise and detoxification protocols are the key to vitality and life long health. Special guests include, Dr John Bergman, Dr Thomas Levy, Dr. David Kennedy, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Karen Thomas, Terry Tillaart, Dr Joel Kah and more