Parade Deck Friday Playlist

Fueled by the Fallen founder Kevyn Major Howard never served in the military. He has 31 film and television acting credits and is perhaps most recognized for his role as combat photographer “Rafterman” in the iconic Stanley Kubrick Vietnam war film “Full Metal Jacket”. We spend some time discussing the films production and the experience of working with greats like Kubrick and R. Lee Ermey.

Find more on Rafterman on Parade Deck.

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What is Parade Deck Friday Playlist?

Every Friday, tune in to the Parade Deck Friday Playlist, a curated selection of episodes from the Parade Deck Military Podcast Network. This playlist is more than just a collection of stories; it's a rhythmic march through the experiences and insights of those who've served. Each week, we feature a diverse lineup of podcasts that encapsulate the spirit, challenges, and camaraderie of military life.