I Survived Theatre School

We talk to Sue O'Lear!

Show Notes

Intro: Accountability, the power of speaking with certainty (i.e. Jen believed she was a different age because someone miswrote it on a medical report), false confessions.
Let Me Run This By You: We are always our essential selves, Soleil Moon Frye's new film Kid 90,
Interview: We talk to Sue O'Lear from The Strongly Worded Podcast about chafing in the theatre school environment, seeking art with a social justice bent, the little-discussed psychological trauma that can result in plumbing the depths of one's emotions for a character, and surviving with the help of the good people at Espial Bistro & Bar.

What is I Survived Theatre School?

We went to theatre school. We survived it, but we didn't understand it. 20 years later, we're talking to our guests about their experience of going for this highly specialized type of college at the tender age of 18. Did it all go as planned? Are we still pursuing acting? Did we get cut from the program? Did we... become famous yet?