Blue Skies Podcast with Erin O'Toole

General (Retired) Rick Hillier joins Erin for a Remembrance Week discussion. Hillier shares some memories of what inspired him to join the Canadian Armed Forces and reflections on his time as Chief of Defence Staff during the Afghanistan War.

Show Notes

General (Retired) Rick Hillier joins Erin for a Remembrance Week discussion. Hillier shares some memories of what inspired him to join the Canadian Armed Forces and reflections on his time as Chief of Defence Staff during the Afghanistan War. They discuss how Canada can continue to remember the fallen and honour the living, including the Veteran-led campaign to have Jess LaRochelle considered for the Victoria Cross.
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What is Blue Skies Podcast with Erin O'Toole?

blue-sky (verb)
: to offer ideas that are conceived by unrestrained imagination or optimism.

Hosted by Erin O’Toole, President and Managing Director of ADIT North America. Erin is the former Member of Parliament for Durham and former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. The Blue Skies political podcast explores issues facing Canada and the world in a format that brings together thought leaders for an informed and engaging conversation.