Journey to Inner Wisdom

 Today I will be talking with LouAnne Hunt who will be talking about her journey and different times of transformation and what happened in her life. LouAnne is a small business and personal development coach along with an award-winning entrepreneur. 

She is a College professor (second career) and helps students make the transition from online learning to successful entrepreneurship. She achieves this by teaching them how to get from where they are to where they want to be.

LouAnne started my coaching business in 2018 to help as many students as possible dealing with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of starting a new business while still completing their education.

In her coaching practice, she provides the tools, strategy, and support to help people create meaningful changes in their lives.  LouAnne loves her work because helping people be successful is deeply meaningful to her. 

One of the things that separates her work from the work of most other coaches, and it is one of the reasons this work is so successful, is that the first step of any coaching is to create a safe space. A space in which people feel safe enough to open up and be vulnerable enough to tell the truth about their goals and dreams, their fears and limiting beliefs, and to own their core genius and unique abilities. 

LouAnne struggled with the same challenges her clients face.  She is very familiar with the pressure of job deadlines, going back to school, family obligations, and feelings of inadequacy. She gets it and knows there is a better way. Coaching transformed her life.  It is her life’s purpose to help as many people as she can to create a life they are proud of.

What is Journey to Inner Wisdom?

Welcome to A Journey to Inner Wisdom. I am Crystal Kotow-Sullivan and your host of this Podcast. I am a Wisdomologist and I will be exploring Wisdom and the journey to our own inner wisdom.

I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and

grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom. I will get the rest of the alphabet with time!