Femme On

Our host Jess and friend of the podcast, Tony Farina, sat down to talk about two books they recommended to each other. In part one, Jess and Tony talk about Jess’ recommendation, Still Life by Sarah Winman. There are one or two spoilers, but mostly we talk about found family, sexuality and love.

You can follow Tony on Instagram: @arfarina
You can also find more from Tony on his website: https://www.arfarina.com/
Jess is also available on Instagram: @jess_bdavies

Creators & Guests

Jess Davies

What is Femme On?

The Femme on Collective is a podcast collective where we discuss issues or pop culture that interests us, with a feminist, female view. Hosts Ada, Alyson, Jess, Ria and Tonya bring their unique voices to a variety of subjects including books, film, TV, feminism, comics, fitness, activism and so much more.