The Book Jar Podcast

We're back ready for a whole new year and we've got reading goals to discuss with each other! We start off by talking about our most recent reads and then move into a look back at the year we've had and the year we're looking forward to.

Show Notes

Everyone loves a reading goal. Marissa and Megan are back to discuss their reading goals for 2023 – plus a review of how 2022 has been for us! We start by discussing 2022 and how our reading looked throughout the year. Then, we make new reading goals for the upcoming year. We end it off by discussing upcoming reads and drawing our next topic for our book jar.

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What is The Book Jar Podcast?

A podcast between two avid readers in which the topics are chosen from the book jar! Episodes are released every two weeks. Send us your topics to have them added to the jar.