Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast

The term spiritual gaslighting, also known as spiritual bypassing, has been increasingly in the public consciousness, but it’s not always clear when teachings such as “everything happens for all reasons” or “everything is one,” do more harm than good in the listener if their lived experience feels invalidated.

In this episode, Isabel and Kristen tackle the nuances of this delicate subject and explore ways in which we can speak about unity while also being sensitive to the challenging circumstances of others. They also explain how experiencing universal love is a foundation for actively dismantling systems of oppression.

What is Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast?

What does it take to really create change–the kind that helps us work together as human beings for one another and for the planet? We believe the change we all wish to see in the world first needs to happen within. In this podcast, Kristen Vandivier and Isabel Keoseyan ­– co-founders of Meditation Without Borders – and their guests share laughs, stories and insights into the movement of meditation for social change.

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