Gut Check Project

Kiran Krishnan is a microbiologist that has made huge waves in health and microbiome science. Well beyond concepts, Kiran has helped engineer, create, and study Spore probiotic delivery systems. It is incredibly unique in that before Microbiome Labs' data, there was almost no conclusive evidence to demonstrate probiotic efficacy en vivo (in humans/living animals). Kiran shares with GCP the basics of natural vaccination that we all should be doing everyday.https://microbiomelabs.comhttps://gutcheckproject.comhttps://kbmdhealth.com

Show Notes

Kiran Krishnan is a microbiologist that has made huge waves in health and microbiome science. Well beyond concepts, Kiran has helped engineer, create, and study Spore probiotic delivery systems. It is incredibly unique in that before Microbiome Labs' data, there was almost no conclusive evidence to demonstrate probiotic efficacy en vivo (in humans/living animals).
Kiran shares with GCP the basics of natural vaccination that we all should be doing everyday.

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project I may agree or hear with your host Dr. Ken Brown what's going on again and we got all kinds of good on this is kind of exciting show because we did a remote location with a really really cool guy Kieran Krishnan get on condition and get on so we ended up taking all of our equipment down to IFN that's the functional medicine meeting and we film the podcast with him and I think it's fantastic it really is some of the coolest microbiology an incredible explanation so the second hour or second hours are to be amazing and it's so cool this is actually really cool because we can look into the future and say we know 100% that we are going to deliver in the second hour because he did an awesome job there's lots of eye-opening anecdotes that I will call them anecdotes they would they were just new in concept the way that he said the but the look back you like it just makes sense it just makes sense he deed he is the backrub microbiologist behind mega spore and it's a spore-based probiotic were going to get into that whenever we have them on the show here and I think if if you have ever been interested in taking a probiotic absolutely have to listen to this because he has a lot of evidence about the industry probiotics how many people are making probiotics that are really not on the up and up and that we know where the product is coming from oh we covered that we covered why a soil baseboard biotic is much better and then with deep dive into the science of how it does so I really really like that that whole podcast that we did with them I did to if you are new to the gut check project this is the gotcha project with your host Dr. Ken Brown we check our egos at the door because nothing is off the table and you may already want to know I saw your post we can Winfrey outrun teal and keeping the CBD so let's just get straight to a doctor can what should they do if they would like to win the signature protection package for signature protection package go to gut check project sign up subscribe share and do they have take a picture of it to get the get enrolled how does it work they want take a screenshot just so that you happen to win when we will draw a winner in the mid part of July actually at least five winners if the if the numbers keep coming in online iTunes like they are now we may have more than five winners which would be great but you can go to iTunes or YouTube search get check project basically subscribe take a screenshot you wish but then go to get your connect let us know that you subscribe and then you're entered that's all there is to it subscribe to let us know get your search for gut check project on YouTube and or iTunes and dad tell a friend about because the more we grow the more giveaway that's all there is to absolutely and if you are enjoying this let us know so that we can keep doing what y'all want to hear about note no doubt so when you reconnect you'll see that you can you can actually suggest guests topics for the show we've already been able to book some in advance with with some of those it suggestion so really looking forward to that today you'll get a glimpse of one of those suggestions they came from a friend of ours named Bridget a little over a year ago when she knew that we wanted to have a show and this this delivers if you've ever really wondered what is it about probiotics that even mean anything and my taking the right one I promise if you're not taking one for mega sport or a mega mega spore a micro biome Lansing to get that right sorry for someone there then you're probably not taking a reputable or a probiotic the can and should prove that it's worth so as we launch the KB empty box we get a lot of feedback from people they will know what's in the box and one of the reasons why you're going to have two really cool things which is trying to heal and mega spore is because in this podcast he explains how the polyphenols not trying to actually augment the spore base biotic and you can improve your health and improve the diversity of your micro biome with that no doubt in on top of that the biggest hang at that you had long ago is how do I even know these probiotics of people are taking are getting to work where I need them to work if you're here ingesting them and their encapsulated in their breaking open the small bowel that the model does cut hole in your billing is pouring a bunch of stuff that is it makes sense he essentially addresses all of that in talks why the science behind spore-based probiotics is the answer so I went on Melanie Avalon's new show called the Melanie Avalon showing I got on Monday and we talked exactly like this that when you listen to guys like Eamonn Quigley who have been studying probiotics for 40 years the thing that he says the best as we can they do amazing things in a petri dish we just can't get them to replicate that in the human body because it's very very complex we get into big detail about how that actually happens how many people have we had come to the G.I. clinic who have said I had G.I. distress or whatever that whatever sentiment was happy but I had G.I. distress and then begin to take a probiotic and it went away for a little while and then after name the time interval for weeks six weeks 12 weeks whatever it is suddenly they returned to that feeling of the symptoms and often times what I hear is it was worse and so basically it's your the idea environment applying what Kant said correctly is that taking the wrong delivery system of probiotics is actually just dumping bacteria would know doesn't necessarily belong so when I see these people with really bad natural overgrowth say hello and they start taking the way worse that gives me a hint of what's going on sure the Cedars-Sinai protocol Dr. Pimentel is a little let the patients take probiotics now to Ron has some great research showing that the spore based biotics can actually help with leaky gut intestinal permeability I think it's funny because patients go oh I've tried probiotics before but that's a lot like when people say oh I tried to CBD before right and the like I didn't get any response Michael CBD is a lot like the supplement industry there's a lot of products out there which they do not show in the manufacturing process is not on the up and up so that's how come we see some of the people to take the KB MD CBD and the like wow I really feel a huge difference and it's because we know exactly with with a certificate of analysis how many milligrams is actually in the and we know we do a whole series of videos about why your body needs CBD tell me about the dosing of CBD so if any of you have any questions about that you have with CBD sent them over so that we can do videos and put them out there and trying to educate my job here is to educate everyone on the science of these different things always know the gut check project check your ego at the door and start relearning everything and that's what I had to do a CBD that's what I'm doing with probiotics right woman launching his boxes as part of it so the first box that were that were launching the ingredients that we put in there the Meigs point out front children work together and there there to begin to heal your gut then I put in life extension comprehend the digestive enzymes so that you can make sure that you can absorb all your micronutrients I want to protect your brain and we put in their organic tumor from Omega and they have is really cool blend of putting an animal which has been shown to help with insulin sensitivity and ginger which is been shown to help with digestive issues so those four things right there and then we threw in something really cool something called truancy try our US II now I recently I replied discover this because my patients were told me about it and member boxers saying that so many of the other influencers were having really good success with its Western look of the science micronized hydrogen as it turns out micronized hydrogen nanoparticles of hydrogen can actually help at a cellular level decrease inflammation so here were protecting your gut and then all these things added upward and thrown a couple of the really cool products a lot of people take apple cider vinegar so we went with Vermont Village organic flavored apple cider vinegar that actually taste good and the special guest from or special gift from me to everyone that signs up in addition to that we should say that anybody that signs up for the KPMG member box we do not have CBD in it yet because there's a lot of regulatory stuff going on but you will be given a discount is that correct they can I resend you sign up you'll get access that nobody else gets on CBD with KPMG CBD being a certified COA product already so you know that it's authentic it's already priced is the best value high quality CBD bits available anyhow simply sign up for the KPMG box KPMG you will then be able to get price access to KB MD CBD that's not available on really anywhere on the web so absolutely and so this is legitimate still the old adage membership has its privileges except that's what were trying to do to be of the community when you get on that you're getting $250 with the product sent to you they are going to get IC work in my patients that's the key to this is that I see these things work or adding a little bit more and it's over $103 savings so you like to be able to find these products cheaper anywhere they come right to you and then with the feedback we get working to continue to evolve organ to get more products and were to be able to add more work to get me it's gonna be really fun in addition to being able to get discounts on CBD just add to it so simply what what I believe can you're saying is that this is an opportunity if you take supplements whatsoever that you're going to get settlements that work going to get them all for a price it is inaccessible to essentially like Costco for healthcare providers is as suggestions right and then we don't just talk about the science or the claims on the label weeks we essentially just tell you all of the benefits that it can be scientifically proven for this product that's in there what actually is happening for you is your benefit correct exactly and then when you sign up you get access to this big marketplace so Rivard had several people that built in addition to what's already getting the writing a few other things and and this is gonna be a really fun exciting time as we launch this it's an opportunity to change the landscape of health I want to see what happens with people I would love to see will go back into the regular doctor and find out that these great things are happening like oh my my insulin sensitivity is improving because we know that multiple products in their actually help with that oh and sleeping better just know that the magnesium in the truancy can help with that working to start doing that and then as we get feedback from everybody were you learn hey can you do something and similar patients of Artie been asking about this hey I have a I take a supplement for my eyes anyway that we can get on their gnomelike reward are working to get that product on this marketplace so that you can get it at a huge discount so it's good to be a really really fun exciting hopefully life-changing experience for anybody that signs up this is essentially an environment where it is totally consumer driven it's done for the benefit of the consumer and it's essentially like walking to the store saying this work for me does this work for me and then turning back to a physician insane I would suggest this one actually I don't know so much about that one and which is really cool and that's what a lot of people are looking for whenever the china shop and then everybody that's involved in this community there's a lot of other healthcare providers we've got gynecologic experts would get functional medicine doctors we got chiropractors we have health nutritionists and were all bouncing ideas off each other so I can find out that's our thought about truth he actually right like now you you have to try this it's awesome and it's incredible to value that were getting on that so this is going to be really neat I just want to see this happening of course percent money back guarantee go to KPMG check it out check it out well to move forward Dr. Brown I didn't want before we got down to the topics I was going to ask you what's going on with the oldest tennis player and your family so Lucas Lucas right now is with his coach in Haverford Pennsylvania playing in IETF which is the International tennis Federation it's the I guess it's 18 and under Junior pro circuit were international people can come from all over it's a grass court tournament so these pictures are just beautiful is it some country club yes were all white just like your going to Wimbledon right Wimbledon has the same rules so they treat it just like that and he's doing really well apparently this grass surface suits his game because he is in the semifinals playing tomorrow he's got today off and then play in the semifinals tomorrow so and the boys can be playing as a is from Thailand okay and he he lives in Florida at one of the at one of the Database and Seleucus knows of him to his boy to start accounted go round is a few years older but the own so hopefully we'll see what happens but I'm just probably got here all the way on grass yet picture that you show this like they're playing on a bentgrass greenhead is out things ready Heck yeah I mean levels doesn't look like a lie would be Arctic adeptly but straight for the whole but yet is that is wild is beautiful with the boys for me are just it's all about taking a break from basketball next week being 4 July just after the listeners we won't have a live show next week because the fourth is on Thursday and have family and I are are going take a break and have two out to Colorado for a couple days to get out of the heat in Texas which actually has been a bad so far this year but I while we were getting ready for the show something I thought was really funny have we been looking at or hearing so much about how people found meat replacements have you seen this in new commercial or for RVs it was on online so we just look this up somebody texted Eric said yeah this is a check out the new Arby's Arby's unveils vegetables made from meat where there they now have meat carrots sort of a fight back against the whole but it's the amazing what's what's everybody doing Usha Patrick what had there is beyond beyond meet an impossible barter that since this is the fight back you have the lease they basically took me shape it is a ^ relevant ^ dusted and cooked it pretty it's pretty it's pretty interesting pretty awesome but Rob Wolf is the one who shared that when I was really fun that is funny so one would also really funny this past weekend that so what it was out of town and while she was out I decided to be a good hobby in those who are your car detailed and so I took it and Mike did the whole just keep it for a few hours they did the inside and out. You know the full on detailing proud of myself I go to pick it up driving home I don't drive a car very often and I clipped a curb or a pothole or something is went white and next and I blew a big old hold that tire nicely as so awesome it's only some found out that her accurate roadside assistance had run out and I had canceled that on our insurance because we have accurate roadside assistance why would I need that right so had neither some told this thing to tire shop on the it was on Saturday night told it left it discount tire whatever was going to fix it the next day will are closed on Sunday and I saw Lloyd arrive Sunday night not only are you mentally cannot brag about me washing the car detailing the car it's I pretty much screwed it up so it's that there will have to do tomorrow hey man it was the intention it matters thank you hope yeah exactly well what he got didn't say in the corner I know that we got you have kicked back and forth a bunch of really cool article this last week and I didn't really know which direction you're going to go today because there's a lot there but once you had lead off with your favorite one so far well usually it's thing there's been a lot of recent news there was Melanie Avalon and I actually talked about this one which I think nobody should lose take take a look at churn and realize something there's two studies published in the British medical Journal were looked at how when people take really, refined diets that all cause mortality increases significantly and there was another study with a look that were cardiovascular events goes up so then they started looking at what it does to the micro bio just just for clarity for for refined diets were talking talking about things where people have refined sugars refined carbohydrates things that have been bleached crack like flour etc. right there were some of the so what they're actually looking at is anything that's that has that been said impacted the happy stabilizers and chef Patrick could probably expand on this but they're looking at that most of these things have emulsifiers in them they have lots of sugar and a very interesting concept they usually decrease the amount of fiber content and the reason for that is is that fiber keeps you full this is and encourage you to keep popping the chinos or whatever so check Patrick do you know what an emulsifier is when they're doing with the processed foods Yemen there and there a lot of that that but it's a binding agent modified food starch is things like that yeah it said there chemically in its natural substance chemically modified to be cheaper – you need less of it so the date they work really well as a thickening or something at texture to to breads or things like that so what they showed as these emulsifiers so those three things the emulsifier actually damages your good micro biome and then the sugar feeds bacteria that allow them to grow more the lack of fiber means that your micro biome does not use that as a prebiotic so you diversity decreases so you don't have the benefit of having your micro biome Hope you so not only do we now know that that definitely increases cardiovascular risk and all cause mortality now we've got molecular reasons of how it messes with your micro bio so it's kind of a fascinating thing because they what they showed is that when these bacteria get hurt by the emulsifier they do not they cannot break down the prebiotic's which then allows the bacteria to produce short chain fatty acids which your body works and uses as fuel in in the colonic cells so becomes this very vicious cycle that replacement of fiber I would imagine would also increase the glycemic index then of those foods making them also more dangerous correct 100% what they showed is by not having the short chain fatty acids float around inflammation in your body goes up tested so they show these animal models that cortisol and CRP go up that the reactor protein yeah and what that does this is your goal of this they showed it was the first time I've seen this that when your cortisone CRP goes out you actually block the information walks your response to leptin growling is the hormone that makes you hungry leptin conventional full so you open up a package of something you start eating and you start get in the habit of doing that on a regular basis you change your micro bio you are not decreasing in not allowing your own bacteria to help you decrease the inflammatory response of anything in short chain fatty acids go down you will get hungrier you eat more of it more of the bacteria that like that start putting out signals and so a lot of times these are when people like and why can't I quit eating this junkfood there's a cycle going on in all of this were now seeing on a cellular level what's actually happening where huge explanation so if you if if you're experiencing already some inflammation you can see it doesn't have to be anything terrible but if you have acne it obviously feeding it more of a refined food diet would simply just be feeding into the inflammation process that you're currently experiencing right exact so you got a child at home maybe this even just these four minutes is worth watching on why you need to steer away from sugary cereals for breakfast or why you need to not come straight home and turned straight to a bag of chips or something else like that because you're going to not the you not to feel full and there the right way and you're just going to can keep consuming really bad calories you wake up and you take in and those cereals that such a great example we talked about that before the show were I grew up in fruity pebbles and stuff like that I cringe at screens where is he striking about it now and now we know that your not feeding your bacteria what it really needs which polyphenols work really well to feed your bacteria we know that fiber does that as well so that you can have a very diverse micro bound the key is to have a diverse micro bio they showed that the more people that eat this they have a much more narrow spectrum so you do not have the benefit of that microbiota you want your left in response so you're always kinda hungry you never really feel full and then let's take it up once that they didn't get into this but I that she had some patients that were food chemists working for I don't I don't member Frito-Lay or some like I actually work on having more likely it's an emulsifier now that I think about it to slide more easily so that the food goes down quicker so that the Fritos go down quicker all that stuff so there's a lot of science being put into it to trying get people to open up bags and then their engineering to make you dependent upon their crappy food and it's not gonna benefit you in the long term it's so weird I mean it's actually nuts like it at some point we have to start getting involved in not letting companies destroy the general health they have the money to take out the money to make beat carrots yeah so you have these companies out there doing that and it's an uphill battle wrist we do know the epidemic of childhood obesity everything else the activities is that will yeah that that is something to do with it but what if were really messing ourselves up on a cellular level that were not even paying attention to it's so hard in the grassroots level if you're not I just like you hug I grew up on really sugary cereals I mean I'm sure if you termite clock of wouldn't want to do that it also it it's like how do you move forward how to educate your kids and for the most part I would say even though my both of my boys feel it's incredibly boring for breakfast for them weight Marine I just don't buy that that Stuff and ironically since the boys it there after the summer they've been earning their own money one of the ways he rewarded themselves they went bought a box crappy cereal you have such a downer when I see it I don't want to me I how I know you can't get Kellan to make some choices still but at the same time I look at my I just don't think they have any idea what the many Dell right they don't they don't know what it's doing Celine I think when you really young you don't feel the effects as much the truth is as much as they play sports and that inflammation they work up it's not helping them heal they are recovering we talked about that that the the original thing a breakfast being the most important part of the day was actually an ad campaign in 1940 when greatness came totally. Today I went without my normal bacon and eggs I felt great so you did intermittent fasting that I did it was also and I was still wasn't hungry until about three in the afternoon I get another really cool little tidbit that I will talk about regarding bacteria and CBD when we come back all right wow that was a quick half-hour so like and share like and share gut check project on YouTube and iTunes we will catch on the back and let us hear from you and catch a if you are trying to quit drinking or doing too many drugs listen to me you don't know me and will never meet I had a problem like you want I drank and used a party a little too much till he got out of control and almost ruined my life I realize I needed help to fix my problem before it totally destroyed me if you tried to fix your drinking and drug problem and you know you can't do it alone you need to call the national treatment advisors they'll immerse you into a 30 day program to replace your old habits with new habits and 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episode number 16 I think we said that the last half hour episode number 16 episode number 16 can't wait to get the 20 that's when they say the magic happens I know that means but I do know that our subscribers are growing so I certainly appreciate that you'd like to win your very own signature package from Dr. Brown aim KPMG health you can get your very own Arbitron teal month supply as well escaping the CBD simply by going to iTunes or YouTube or both and subscribe and share and then go to get check and let us know that you did it that's all you have to do do all those things Dr. Brown these are things you see I should add that that's the signature package there is what we call the signature package skills what might what I'm trying to do is bridge the gaps and bring traditional science into natural places and right now I think that what were lacking a lot of is just data and science on CBD there's so much confusion about the reason why the signature package is because we know that the polyphenols in front he'll actually decrease the enzyme that breaks down your own and a cannabinoid site and this is that they work together to increase so that's what I was seeing in my practice when people take the CBD and otter until they feel markedly better there was there so many things to get to like there is a recent article were it was looking at how CBD actually is very effective against superbugs better than antibiotics science is pretty thick on that go to KB MD sign up for KB MD box and we were to continually update that site with a lot of science new science and everything but there's another article that I found little bit more interesting than I want to cover and note out let's get to that article just died just for those who haven't done it yet because it grows every single day KPD which is why you find such a etc. just simply sign up for the newsletter over the next three weeks the transition is going to be huge what what kids talk about is that from KB MD were going to be able to put the science were actually the science has been explained behind polyphenols CVD diet it's for you it's for free but it's for you to be more educated spend your money more wisely stay more healthy that's really what this whole things about and we have the ability to find a lot of articles a lot of my colleagues like will there's no science Alyssa Mike no no no no there's so much science on this you just have to know where to look and you have have access to a lot of these articles right so if anybody has questions like hey what can do you have you had any springs of receiving the articles on what it does for skin issues for instance like your dermatologist does as this have any background on things like that psoriasis eczema acne all kinds of different issues oh have you seen any benefit with rheumatology words are from Bruce her arthritis word osteoarthritis will not make any claims here what I'm saying is that working to find studies and see and they had just like we did with the photo bio modulation just like we did with the stem cells we can find this stuff and really saved now this makes sense absolutely I mean really that's that was the whole idea why you started caving to health in the first place is just find a place where people can turn these the same questions that come to the G.I. clinic every single day and so now we got a place where people can turn it start find some real answers speaker questions this morning I was working out poses new Joe Rogan's podcast and he had Bob Lazar on yeah that's a space so there's a there's a new Netflix movie out there word so will trickle UFO and saucers or something I think it even uses his name is UFOs and Balthasar something honest I don't remember exactly what it's called but yeah I lazy and hours avoiding exact figure just to be one of those conspiracy type things but no ma'am he on Joe Rogan the guy sounded like he was looked legitimately scarred from the whole experience in yeah I don't want to be pain but I'll I really, want to talk to Mildred more debt than on TV has any pictures because I thought it was really honestly it seemed it seemed sincere maybe if he's that good at holding that that form for almost 4 decades and while but I mean he's he said the stores were really really long time Dennis really messed them up yeah I mean he's any heat honestly was saying I don't want to be here but I need to get the story out and while he was on Joe Rogan show it was like he was bragging or anything I was weird listening to another podcast Kim of the comedian's name is on XM radio but they were kind of trying to debunk all that and say that he was just is just crazy I'm reading an article that just came out said film on Netflix finds UFO whistleblower baubles are seeming less crazy than ever yeah will admit the funny thing is even just two decades ago and I can't remember exactly what all of them were but similar like bone scans identification systems and the fact that he said that there was a certain isotope of the hydrogen that he knew existed before and they had been scientifically denied but it turns out that a handful of the things that he declared that he had seen before are suddenly now available the bone scan machine that he described exactly as he described it is now available the isotope of hydrogen that he described almost 3 and half decades ago everyone said didn't exist sudden exist now and it's really neat he's basically like I find this is a point of vindication I have stuck to the story and that's all been documented in fact they even say they who have the proverbial they is scrubbed his name as he claims he described his name as being a student in attendance at a few different it's so that's with the other podcasts talk about the light how can you just have no measures only exist they scrubbed his name from going to MIT or something like that it was a and Cal poly Cal poly and MIT on the scrub is named after the service and the like that is impossible somebody would've known him wreck that's how come they think that he may just be craziness in his own story and sticking to it but how is there nobody else saying hey I knew that guy would school with him here she went here that's the weird part is there is there's there's people who assigned affidavits who are listed as all real students who said that yeah he was totally in school with us so it's I don't know it's a very bizarre and promising new nothing about it until I heard that same podcast I nine so I'm starting to put that yellow color online from Alpha Centauri waiting on them back to Nelly I've spent a lot of time watching videos on YouTube no no I haven't any but it's interesting it's a fascinating story he is especially I seen the new Netflix shows that were in the watch that Check Out Joe Rd. in Charlotte is what you are she watched both and I think the Joe Rogan episode is probably more informative findings that the Netflix thing is okay but the hearing Bob is talking his own voice I found far more interesting and certainly in terms the validity would be more compelling and quite honestly fencing the Netflix thing first I don't know how much Otto believed yeah he just need to seem far more genuine than just the longform phone interview Joe Rogan is such a great host he really is he saying to her and intuitive question so that without question well I to change his story over 30 years picture the phone call there yet Patrick can we only got 20 minutes we get Karana on going to hit the yeah yeah I will hit the so much like Bob Lazar said he goes this is the stuff were looking at it just could be that they like to be dumped a motorcycle on the on the street in Victorian times people are to poke around that it somebody may figure out how to turn it on this kind were he was saying that I do know there's so much will in science we do the exact same thing were to talk this next hour with Quran and probiotics in spore-based biotics because micro bombs are really big deal now after until is NSF certified that is certified for sport the reason why that's a big deals because were making sure that we get no doping agents inherent giant athletes pro athletes College athletes there's all this reaction to anti-doping and everybody keeps putting new things on the list I got a new one for you okay probiotics may become anti-doping things really if they can figure this out there so if you had what you're saying is that you can test positive for probiotics there is a chance that I would become a flag there was they were referencing that there was and I don't remember what it was but they whatever sport it was a female had much higher levels of testosterone probably curling up in public but they said for her to continue to compete at the Olympic level she has to actually decrease her testosterone by taking some sort of testosterone blocker because whatever so that there's lots of different things that can be performance enhancers what this study that just came out June 24 in nature what it talked about his elite athletes gut bacteria give Road runners a boost so this group was looking and it's pretty funny to think about the tension with anti-doping I just wonder if this will suddenly pop up on the anti-doping list what they showed is that proportions of certain bacterial species increase after endurance athletes have completed a marathon furthermore this type of bacteria that increases breaks down lactic acid and produces another compound called propionic lactic acid is what makes your muscles tired and sore and weak propionate can be used as a fuel so then I looked at another group of people and this was a series of 15 runners that their look at the Boston Marathon and they found that they look at another group on some a bunch of very elite rowers Ro's of in Olympic trials and they got very similar result basically this type of bacteria called Velma Nella or villanelle at a Tippecanoe increased in both of these groups of people so Bella Bella atypical appears two have adapted in these elite athletes to break down the lactic acid yeah informed that so is it chicken or the egg right are these people elite athletes because possibly they have a higher proportion of villanelle or did they develop develop mellow in response to constantly increasing the lactic acid in the body while so that's what this group is trying to look at so they ended up taking a bunch of mice put them on of little reels treadmills mice treadmills whatever they're called and they were able to show in the mice if they gave them Bella Nella rectally and orally they actually had decreased amounts of lactic acid now I've done that before I've gone and done I went to the to the try shop and did a whole lactic acid to push yourself as far as you can go and my lactic acid just kept going up and elite athletes it will start to go up in the middle drop because it goes back into the Krebs cycle okay so does that happen because they've got more this melanoma or doesn't happen because their elite athletes and their bodies have adapted I don't really interesting so their ability essentially to of work or outwork others because they function better in an anaerobic state the right no no once they going to anaerobic state than the lactic acid gets put back into the Krebs cycle so it can be used as fuel again okay possibly converted to now I'm thinking it's possibly being converted to appropriate okay I so I and others a lot more to it but what I find really funny is the people that did the study have a new startup called fit bionics fit bionics for bionics bionic microbiology okay right so it is really interesting to sit there there's always a go to market something to try and increase the amount of this particular species and what we do learn in the next hours is how complex it is you really just can't say only take this one I'll go back to Dr. Soltis row study were he showed people with bacterial overgrowth they tend to take probiotics that are lactate producing probiotics okay that's what almost all the probiotics you get over the counter and he showed that lactate cross the blood brain barrier which is one of the reasons why a lot of these people maybe have some brain fog it could be intestinal permeability leaky gut it could be that the lactic acid is increasing we may be using the completely wrong species maybe we should be using this species to get rid of the lactic acid and produce this propria night so interesting yeah but it's it's going to be now if you be a race now revisited to others a probiotic for sleep this a probiotic for endurance and once again it still has to make it all the way through the intestinal tract and get Rick and start of dividing more and increasing the diversity you can't just do one memory of 100 trillion bacteria in your colon over thousand species this is what this is little of the marketing hype is been around over to skim through this want you to do all kinds of things that part is a make a lot of sense either that or just to simply take a bacteria or probiotic just for one desired effect of what you would want even for sleep and no doubt that someone will market like that but it all comes down to the biodiversity of that bacteria anyhow could you if you were to load up theoretically on sleep bacteria will then would you just have lethargy all of the times he sensei not exist to make sense it's marketing on everything on every single line so this is a mouse study where they said that so they took humans they checked her poop and they go oh these guys have higher part they have a higher percentage of this particular species that must mean something then were to go to rodents were to give it to we know that trying to replicate in a mouse model in the human models extremely difficult it's the closest thing we can have because there you can't keep humans in cages and you don't control her diet will look all that other stuff so there's a lot of other studies I've seen with a like oh this particular group had higher levels of this and they were skinnier so this is going to be a weight-loss probiotic so it becomes a marketing game with the science being really difficult to prove it is mastered adding that their research that makes sense to keep doing that did you see the article he came out I just was last week were two people died from fecal transplant now some super unfortunates the first time that people have had bad outcomes from people transport you ever get real excited about the microbiota transplants and if you don't know what this is as a whole new field of science were people taking one person's poop and they emulsify it and they put it in one way or the other there's a lot of different ways to do it either through a kaleidoscope or you can go way into the small bowel and push it through more and just dead just to cover the whole array want there some people who taken frozen capsules of the of poop and then and then just basically ingesting it like normal and then that idea was it with all yeah yeah so the idea would be there with thought you'd always through my partner Dr. Stuart Ackerman what he was doing is she was getting he was getting stool from this NIH grants location were there collecting school from people they do all the make sure that there's no diseases or anything in the they bring it back and then they injected it's frozen emulsified as it goes down with the scope way into the small bowel and then just pushes it beyond the stomach acid beyond the pancreatic and where would normally all get killed its way down and there's this part on seeking go and that's what that's what he was doing but that's been shut off because the cost of the poop has gone so high that the nurse on an island or something happened where regulations are coming in the cost to test it for all these other found my game yet became prohibitive so now you know we all have poop and now it's a controlled the FDA is they made it a they wanted when the FNT first came out they wanted everyone start applying for a new drug indication just poop it's poop but enforces a big setback because two people died but apparently the prepaid toxigenic E. coli on it they didn't realize that so they took one person give to other people would use a lot in the hospital for C diff infections okay so if you take antibiotics not only can you just disrupt your micro biome but you cannot actually allow one particular species to dominate yet the dominant cold seat of Clostridium difficile and and if you ever had a relative or you've ever experienced that it is not fun and hard to get rid of the fecal transplants were working very very successful for that so it's it's unfortunate but this the first time that we had no bad outcome so people are trying to figure out how to work with this microbiota it's almost like we have the ability to test but we don't really know what to do with it Peter Peter Addie it was talk about this on one of his podcasts use and yet we have this ability to do this big gene mapping we can do PCR analysis got all these different species and overlooked the runners had this let's do that it's just not that simple at least up until this point must we cracked the code on how to actually figure that part out its own of the game you can you find different things you can detect that learning how to interpret the analysis is as a whole nether probably can alarm just understanding how to apply the science that happens every day so what you think the numbers are if we've lost these two people and they've directly attributed it to the transplant self correct out of how many oh I don't I don't know you rationalize death but the truth is it is a number everything is run through statistics and it's unfortunate that this would be a setback but I say that that we have people who will die today the in several the died yesterday in the day before that from opioid abuse and that's not stopped anybody from administering that so when you when you look at then you put it in in those kinds of of boxes it is unfortunate now we can move forward in and make certain that this doesn't happen but the fact that that really famous kid back in the 80s Ryan White who died from AIDS from a blood transfusion bleeding stop doing blood transfusions because of that we learned how to get better at doing blood transfusions yeah I think that the cycle things if if they can be sensationalized it then it's going to make the moves and fecal microbial transplants are always something that is gonna make the news because people just go what in the world and they want to read more about it than when asked questions about it been in my field for years and years decades we been trying to figure out what actually do without you know there was the their study that came out I believe is out of Yale where they took poop from skinny my scared to fat mice the fat mice got skinny and vice versa than that led to this whole study there actually trying to do this at Brigham Young's University and I will say just got published but it really didn't didn't have any weight loss affects all really desolate it worked in mice got all excited your own fun skinny people got tight trying to poop the other they got all excited that that's what was going happen but it looks like the results of work it's really interesting I wonder what the parameters were around it because I I can I figured it wouldn't be necessary that you just simply metabolize food differently it may have to also it may also include what are you can foods do you desire by having that type of bacteria inside so it is small level where mice don't make a whole lot of decisions I guess you could say they may just eat a little bit less with that fecal transfer but maybe the reason why it didn't necessarily work in this one experiment Brigham Young is because people are still left to their own their own devices or vices whenever they're out there and they can contaminate the sample that they take to buy say love get the bacteria on still going to go to fill in the fast food chain restaurant or I should lose weight I back at the bacterium now that's a really good observation because you would almost have to have them in a cage to do this because just as we talk about your left and still in blunted and do not do your document feel full you may be taking in more cows have ever done it like I did my fitness pal thingy Jack Kerry and I were doing that Bruce was log all the food but it became really cumbersome but I was eating way more calories and I thought yeah like you to sit down and up around 2500 revenues keep adding them up you like, get the handful of almonds that you walk by throw down to hundred percent you look back you try to write off the day like that's the anomaly in the realized that days just like the day before and he put forth that now I'm guilty that Rhonda Patrick just came out with a podcast with her on telomere specials telomeres are the kind of tells our age right that it's the end caps of the chromosomes and as we age they decrease and they were looking at things that directly affect the telomere length stress cortisol sugar refined foods lack of bacterial diversity same stuff that were always talking about actually can speed up the aging process so telomeres can be damaged each time basically that ourselves replicate and what we don't want from all the things you just listed is telomere shortening because that that enables the sales to age more quickly and basically if it is I understand the DNA just does not get replicated in the future with the new the new daughter cells deliver younger cells in there that's another complex thing when we are at I effeminate if you remember that but there's booths were people check your telomere length and have been not only was it real well that's what Ron was talk about when she there's so many different ways of to be affected what lab it is what you going to do with the information and now there's companies out there that are selling products to increase to llama race decreased farmers I remember whatever you think it's increased telomerase which is an enzyme that kinda protects the telomere this and just go off, have gas podcast just it's really a menu notes Rhonda Patrick sure super sightseeing geeky and with that we don't know because sometimes you want shortening as if it's a cancer cell you want that you want the body to recognize that and it'll go away and that way you don't have because cancer cells will grow so fast that you need that shortening to prevent that from happening so we don't know try to mess with telomeres is going to do something like that but the same thing keeps coming around over and over and over if you get sleep eat right you feed your micro bomb what it needs like polyphenols like spore base biotics then decrease the information with CBD then all of that your body will figure out what to do so sometimes whatever we thought articles were people going only wanted this one probiotic and you can run faster really overthinking maybe if we just kind of got rid of those refined foods the emulsifiers in the high sugar and all that stuff a huge take away here is that you can if you step back you realize that there are there are real researchers that want to make things happen that the crazy unfortunate thing is oftentimes a marketer was simply just take the data and then want to be the first to make something happen rather than make certain that the science is solid or a company has a good product and they just won a race to get out and get a second product that doesn't necessarily burying value without having the research back behind it and honestly it's that that's the really cool part of being a part of KB MD health and KBS is that we we've always tried to make certain that the data is solid for eight do no harm be sure that you can help someone before you just turn a product loose now you make me feel bad because I'm actually scratching out abdominal discomfort and putting decrease veil and Ella and then underneath that protector tell me the only product available with you faster and younger trying to get your telesales cereal today exactly that out I don't know it it's it that you don't want to paint a picture of the whole world going dark but each but if you're listening just protect yourself when you if I go to these conferences and you listen to somebody scientist like vulture long ago and these guys are doing the research and like when Rhonda Patrick talks and such and panda it's very well this is what we saw we believe this is this we can extrapolate that it's real great it's not like you see when you're talking to a marketer like privilege and will increase your memory and it's like well and wait a minute's backup was little to the studies these guys are out there and all these PhD's there not that will I find them fun but sometimes is not up on the listen to them cry don't really land on anything the light that we kind of think this is what's happening what image frustrating to the general public and in their pioneers and is probably a lot like a Lewis and Clark they made their way through their just mapping they're not necessarily saying that everything's going to be roses by the time they get out to out to the West Coast right I mean they were just finding their way there they just basically charted as it came along we talked last week about all those medical reversals where they were looking all theatrical reversals they had three they found out in the Lancet New England Journal of medicine in JAMA that when they looked back at trials they showed that 369 straight up medical reversals has taken place like we talked about where we thought estrogen was really good for every woman take a bunch that we realized it was actually increasing heart attacks so it's really complex and it's hard to sit there and say okay let's look at an article this bacteria can increase running and there immediately when I would I guess I would too if I was the scientists are like weeds do a startup right now so during the startup called for bionics but it's no different than the multibillion dollar industry that is probiotics if you talk to Dr. Quigley that's not how he describes it he just says we hope that they they were great when he say they were great in a petri dish that we just cannot seem to replicate it consistently in humans right and that's this policy that leads right into the next thing Quran Krishnan is here to explain the real data in the application in humans on what the correct type of probiotic delivery system can do for you I this is you've heard me talk like this for so long as the first time a microbiologist is going to know exactly know your you're right and here's why right this is and I studied this and so I'm really excited to get this kind information out there and very pleased that were teaming up with them for our member box so that we can put the two together and you'll see why they work together but I think it's really cool be sure to like and share the gut check project if there's anything that you want to take away from you today show you can just show the next hour to anybody who's ever been exposed to probiotics ever whatsoever you'll learn a ton I know they cannot both did Chiron is that these amazing he's very intelligent and he's got real data to show something he probably never hit up a lot of right on everybody enjoy will pick it up in about two minutes rest for this is the only 24 hour take anywhere platforms dedicated to food and fun clear spoony fifth hour from, drawings could come down at any time now on to the Supreme Court's biggest cases the current High Court terrors whether the trump administration can add a citizenship question to the 2020 census supporters say it's needed to get an accurate count while critics claim it will lead to an undercount of minorities the second case involves gerrymandering and whether Democrats and Marilyn went too far when they redrew the boundaries of the sixth Congressional District slip I get from Republican to Democrat correspondent Wally Hines on the heels of last nights debate 10 more Democratic presidential hopefuls preparing to take to the stage for Tonight Show down Democratic pollster and strategist Brad Bannon calls Joe Biden the big guy tonight's debate I think he's going to be a target in this debate and he has to demonstrate that he can hold his own and that he can't make a slob corresponded Alexander Jaffe in Miami expect some fireworks during this evening's showdown you are federal health experts say the vaccine has once again turned out to be a big disappointment the vaccine did not work against the flu bug that popped up halfway through the flu season latest figures show the vaccine only 29% effective overall stocks higher on Wall Street this hour right now the Dow is up about five points see S&P 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well what I think for starters I just got a text from your mom did I'm done she's always listening and I will need to apologize to all investors just in case you don't like the sound level it's because I'm doing it and I don't know exactly how the engineer now here's the really really bad engineer Jeff Chef Patrick sorry as best we can do so were over here at the IFN conference in San Antonio and we you and Eric have met before different conferences I love the work that you guys are doing yellow to start with us who are you so we are a band of super nerds that that are battling the revolution that is going on within the right so we we know that and this is a way to explain it to people all the time if you look at the human construct were essentially a microbial system we are the fancy word for it for those I want to impress your friends as holo- bio hello Viola volume we are super organism were no moral can we think of ourselves as a collection of organ systems of the brain and in her lungs and heart and all I connected by neurons and vessels we are a walking talking rain forest is what we are right we are an organism made up of thousands of other organisms that have to work in concert to perpetuate the health of the collective that's what the that's what all environments make it's like a ring for Savior look at a rain forest the canopy the floor every part has a different ecology and if any of those ecologies get damaged the entire ring for sufferers so we can trace back now virtually every chronic disease to some disruption in our ecology so in our thinking we are a microbial construct were made up of microbes we've taken this amazing microbial constructs and we put ourselves in an antimicrobial world like so we've really shot ourselves in the flick like crazy everything around us destroys our inner ecology and that leads to disease somewhere here fighting that whole problem in revolution of bringing back our ecology ecology fixing the rain forest I love that I was taught I was tell my patients about I've never use the word hole while I say multi-bile talk about just your micro biome there's other things going on your exactly what we are do we live for the multi-biome or does the multivolume live for us yeah you know if you look at the evidence and you look the history essentially we are an accident because of the multifile right so even the human cell is constructed of ancient bacteria write the eukaryotic human cell is basically a concert of ancient bacteria which at which make up our what sort I'm having to bring forth the energy production of the sound might've come in my country is so ancient back arrow essentially individual mitochondria that all came together to form a eukaryotic cell building nucleus surrounded also you guys in a way back we were going back to the beginning of time rice like where all of this started from we don't understand that and how do we understand how the lungs and dutiful nice so just going back to the simplicity of it because as it turns out when we start looking at these unique multicellular organisms that we are when where a small population of what's living in the universe are there in the world we don't know what's living Universalist living on earth most of it are single cellular organisms I'm also living entities are single cellular's will relook at multicellular organisms when we look at how multicellular organisms communicate from one cell to the other all of those rules are written by single cellular organisms you know hormones for example most people are surprised to know that our micro biome and the got produces virtually every hormone or endocrine system can make writing all of the serotonin's ANOVA means all of the stress hormones all of insulin estrogen and testosterone all that is made by Mike Bynum as well in the end the thinking is that that our micro biome actually taught our endocrine system how to make those hormones so the bacteria provided the DNA code to our endocrine system to figure out how to make hormones and accurately using hormones for millions of years to communicate with one another and so we now use hormones to communicate with in our body itself this is so fascinating because in my field the micro biome is a relatively new concept in traditional medicine and here you're talking about that the micro bio actually taught our bodies how to organize how to live in the world how to move that is fascinating because what we think about it the way that other people talk about all it's so complex we don't know that you just dumbed it down to you know it's actually so simple visits and darted yeah with just one cell that you follow Mr. I'm following in what I think is awesome is its way it does seem like it is so simple however it's not just the dumbed down version of what you just need some good bacteria is way way way different in that you have to understand I for long time kind of felt like that we are vehicles for this bacteria yeah and everywhere that you go you're basically being driven guy what is indeed the chemical messengers that you referenced we interpret that but is it really completely hours to interpreted not not necessarily
you know there's evidence of vector making us do things right and and you would think that there is some altruistic reason for them to do it for example there are certain types of bacteria within your my combined that make you more social that make you go out Thanksgiving lead the motivation to go out and meet people and the reason for then you think all why did the back you want me to be more social and that's one of the ways of the transfer from house to house is that if you're not socially antisocial you sit back and back in the Navy set back in your cave all the time by yourself you're really not going up and spreading this Michael this micro bio there are there bacteria out there that connect you change your outlook on life there was a study looking at women who took probiotics versus women that didn't and they took women that the probiotics in the group that didn't and they showed him a bunch of pictures and they were measuring brainwave activity and was showing them like really stressful take pictures things that would bother them normally and they found that the women that took probiotics on a regular basis actually had a less intense emotional response to those pictures so their outlook on life seemed a little bit better than the ones that did you know and so these microbes are dictating a lot of how we even respond to the world around us is fascinating because yes urologist we always I was trying to people to feed their microbiological would eat the diet that your bacteria really should have diverse bacteria and now we have the highest incidence of anxiety of depression mean all were doing is just throwing more and more drugs at it trying to get that to be corrected when the reality is we could balance the bacteria and you know what I really like about this as an excuse for me to go to Vegas with my buddies. Tell me to get out for health that is one of the best places to swap microbial going to Vegas as a sign expression when you all the activity up I have a question though so study which I find please fascinating would didn't matter what the delivery system is in the reason I asked that is because we we often times as you can through the practice we talk about not all probiotics and want to create in general and even more than that the delivery system which is how we not so can't talk about that why does it matter how a probiotic is delivered yeah and let's take yeah so that's critical because in large part you know what we so we started setting provided to the way we even got into the space is valid I just want to know little more the history how do you end up even looking at the bacterial thing so I when I got into the natural space, microbiologist by training and I was ensnared and I had a big interest in all Maxwell space and I would go to places like GNC and I byproduct some about the studies no most products STUDIES in the marketplace and I started questioning companies and when you have more studies and really what I ended up finding out is that it's too expensive to do clinical trials right of vitamin company can afford a half-million dollar trying to figure out about it doesn't work in Pharma companies that all day long may they have one in a thousand compounds that is successfully enter market but they'll spend millions of dollars on those 999 that don't do anything or do something really bad but nutritional, you just can't afford so I sent this can be a way we can change the paradigm of how you do clinical trials to to make it more affordable and make it more functional for nutritional companies number one second all the disease outcomes right so if I have a compound natural compound that can reduce blood pressure if I did $100,000 study on blood pressure the problem with that is I can't talk about it because UNFPA doesn't allow you to go out there and say you know this this extract reduces blood pressure will talk about that weekly also because you know because were in the same space I I like I started as a casserole just doing pharmaceutical research and when you start talking about these products before you even get to the point where you can say what it is go to an IRB and apply for an NDI and all these other acronyms make it almost prohibitive for somebody that's trying to be altruistic and go look at us will know if this works out yeah and the outcomes and I would like what what are we really figuring out and studying here and so what I did is taking blood pressure earnings as an example rather than looking at that the final outcome of reducing the pressure a in the vein when using a conflict anyone else would I look at structural or functional changes in the in the pathway to reducing blood pressure so looking at changes to angiotensin enzyme and so in also looking at structure function change that lead to that outcome rather than looking for the outcome itself and in the FDA allows you to talk about structure function changes in the body right so that's how I figured end and with those kind of biomarker changes you don't need as many subjects all of Lila's studies are smart and we were able to do so I was doing all of these studies with eight 1015 patients giving companies an idea what the product might do in the system with the ultimate outcome might be looking at small changes in the pathways to those products and so are you drawn blood levels of angiotensin young exactly yeah and your attention adjutants and converting enzyme were looking at things like rheological measures on the blood the viscosity of the blood using this machine color rail log then made measures real-time viscosity the blood and what work it takes to pump that blood through through the vascular system where you saw is so then I opened the CRO clinical research organization my mom is a medical doctor I'm she's listening mother for correct pronunciation is mom hi how are you so she's a medical doctor made her my principal investigator and we opened in the Southside of Chicago clinical research organization I started working with supplement companies and saying hey I can design a clever study for you to figure out what your product is doing its cost too much and you can you know if you do a pilot study for 20 grand and you get some idea that your product has a benefit then it's easier to invest 50 or 70 into a bigger study because then you know you can get the marketing benefit of doing that makes the company's just not spent 100 grand right off the bat and figure out the product doesn't do anything so I created clever pilot studies and things to give people an idea and from doing that I started getting companies inviting me to come on their board scientific boards or helping them with product development in the supplement world and that's how I got into the supplement world so it's purely from the backside the research and having this research organization so in a field where there is really little to no research you started with the research was her way into the field work at work it and really I came to immediately find out who the best companies were because 98% of them I like what I'm really interested in doing clinical trial is 20 granted you can figure out whether your products actually making any change in the body we don't really want to know that a lot of it is they don't want to know it is not doing anything well I think a lot of it is and we have we have discussed this before the show that you know they did that analysis with a looked at products that they pulled them off the shelf in DNA analysis show that almost 80% of them did not have what was in the castle on the label yeah so and that and we know that since we've been in process and you know this as well that unless you see where it's being sourced yeah housing extracted how it's moved over there are so many players in the chain when it's a mass commodity that you may end up not having it all what you think you have a you have to tested every step of the way you know one when you bring the raw material in before you blended in with other stuff after you encapsulated every step you have to do the testing again to verify that it's still what you wanted to be but you know there was a large multinational company that that found it and I was working with them in product development and they basically came and said you know they were pretty big provided company to begin with and over they were getting on competition in the retail space of new probiotics coming in a lot of those probiotics are what I call the kitchen sink poetics we just cannot throw everything in it now we just gonna put 19 strains in this in your and I'm sick in these meetings in the wind 19 transit winds typically springs they go our competitor has 17 you probably saw the evolution like I did what started out as like we got 1 million forming units and then the next person stand in the next $20 like we have one really is one job so somebody actually play counting that just marketing all marketing and I would sit down in these because I mention I became part of advisory boards of companies sit down in these meetings whether developing products and they would go we want 15 strains and 50 billion and I and my first reaction is number one why 15 strains why 50 billion like you have some sort of study I'm not aware of that shows 50 billion works in 30 million dozen they go 10 this is the closest competitor they have 35 million someone to be just that much about right and here's where it really becomes bad it's like they have a company that their benchmarking next to and they want to be higher account and that company but they want to be seen principally so your putting more in and you want to be at the same price the more that you pit put in ends up being lower quality because you can't spend as much on it right so now you've got 2025% more ingredients in the higher amounts and yet you have to be the same price point to get to go with a lower value ingredient products so now we've got things like Lactobacillus acidophilus which is number one probiotic strain in any product where you find it everywhere in in providing products you can buy tanker load of it for like three great really Tinker load of it it's insane yeah and so when you're in the probiotic world are not in that world yet when you do start buying the raw materials for probiotics how is that actually does it come is like like a culture bath is it an act are what is so him so that he asked me a question because what we saw that study from UC Davis such that test of the products on the market by DNA right and they show that the vast majority of products that they tested did not have the right strains that will explain the label then you ask yourself how in the world is that happened right like it's like launching a product that says vitamin C and is nothing but vitamin A yes I like how you make that mistake so it all comes back to how you buy probiotics sorry monochromatic company on the particular product I go okay I want these 10 strains in I'll call my ingredient distributor and I'll say I want acidophilus ram notices in a case I whenever the strains are ship me a drum of each it'll come to you as a drum you open the drum is just a powder and there's no way you know that this is actually like this was at Annapolis there is something policy of a significant analysis from the manufacturer that says you have not purchased like Mrs. acidophilus but right that it's a spot where you can't tell in order to really verify that you send that powder to some University or lab to do full DNA analysis in order to verify that actually is but that's not part of the regular GMP regulations so nobody's doing rights to manufacture centered on the powder and they say this is Lactobacillus acidophilus and you go okay yes it is and you put in your capsule and you put the product on the shelf so you know that it's even viable also I've already wanted this because people say is that actually yeah now some companies will do a plate count so they'll take unknown amount of it like like a gram mix it in water and played it to see what actually grows the problem is something is going to grow because there's bacteria in they just don't know what bacteria right so you look at the colonies and you can't tell a record is in the colonies you go all great somethings going it must be fine and then you put in the capsule you put it on the shelf you've no idea what's in the product while no idea so that's how the typical probiotic so that you have something very unique yet relative to Eric's question that he has to totally so so when that multinational company hired us to do research for them we approach the probiotic industry purely from an objective standpoint to do research for them to figure out what is to be the next generation probiotics so we started sending all the stuff in the market and we started to figure out that events with 30 provides the market are dying in the stomach whether if they have bacteria in it the guy in the stomach are basically putting it out eight hours and 12 hours later they're not most of my dying on the shelf even if they even get to your stomachs and then I even had the end of the approach of going to health food stores and just asking people go what are your best probiotics and the clerks always stuff in the refrigerator Ray and I'll go and as a microbiologist and I'm always confusing why the sit in the refrigerator so massive and I go widely in the refrigerator and they say well these are the highest quality their life culture and to keep them as live cult he got a refrigerator right and they say okay and when you buy them take him home and put in refrigerator and I okay so they sat on the shelf they would die and they go yes that's right make sure you keep in refrigerator like 70° in the shop it's 98.6° in the body how is he going to survive their hair we can sit on the shelf at 70° and they never had an answer you know said to me I was like all the stuff that's in the refrigerator makes actually no sense at all and so we wanted to take a completely different approach and we started going where did our ancestors get their probiotics are right we have this really intimate relationship between us and bacteria they conduct many functions for us that doesn't occur overnight so they must be this long term relationship with bacteria and we look at our ancestors they were smart enough to eat dirt I didn't clean their environment in a sterilized environment and so we started focusing on environmental bacteria now the thing is most environmental factor can act as probiotics and most of them will die in the stomach as well so we start honing in on what bacteria we would come across in the environment actually had some special function that could act as a probiotic the first one that we came across of these Bacillus endospores so these are unique bacteria that belong in the got but they leave the got to defecation and when they go out in the environment when they go out in the environment they go into the store for an spore form they put light armor like coating around themselves and then you sound like holding her saliva to the gastric system she have any tasks so going Mr. so as this is is it can you describe us or the first board you guys wanted to show his environment. Special care the result of this for Colleen so that he actually actually survive Texas and we we look at research we went to the biggest best researcher in the store while it's Dr. Simon crying while all away Selah placement site explores anyone's internationals for super scorner and then there's some there's some really interesting stuff that he's doing using scores as a vaccine delivery license Lexus we want your scores that we know function and so license five discourse we look at the function of each one each one different role in the and so we put the first multisport base probiotic the idea that these scores are not alone actually slightly gastric system angle start making a change to the rest of my life so as a microbiologist so the bacteria is in store for me to tolerate whole hi just waits wasn't wait for service waiting for a molecular mucosal cells small the moment you guess right into the water cycle and say good guy and we have in the sectors of the asses or tell them that there is because location so that binding the temperature and then some nutrients will get a divorce but he can remain in the store steakhouse of the body for literally millions of years the oldest war file was filed was found in fossilized amber be in the got to be the whole ancient Beatles fossilized drill into the substrate where they pulled out some spores and he could still plate it was still alive 250 million said sound like Jurassic Park subtotal yeah so this is the way that I'm kind of tell my patients a reason why islands for various is that because that sport can actually survive the Senate environment and it starts that handshake in swingout is really bad to really proliferate really really slow well down there is fully wakes I was like that's almost like time travel pot start to wake up so is making its way through the small how is it makes interesting stops in the small rear yes we always encourage people with food the reason we do that is in the presence of food produced so the spores are the largest commercial producers of protease amylase I mostly find information big commercial enzymes are produced so all and also places the scores are not based yeah so so so most of them are made by patient support for nation I do know him and so they don't know how those hang out for little while and smallmouth would result that is moved to the factors are they interact with peers is mainly T and B cell liberation so they are some of the strongest proliferators of TV sets I read I hate to do this we are up against the break were going to be joined second half hour we don't forget your listening right now to get your project you are looking at care on Christian talking about high needs for based probiotics are the best way if you consume finalize hang on a project that okay break here will come back and do the 2830 starting your total return fire sunscreen additional restaurant is really awesome thank you yeah proceeds check again now that parts going well now nevermind salt just just just trusted most yeah okay so you can start again Ron sitting here bar 796.432 I okay we are back with the last half-hour of gadget project we are joined by Karen Christian who is going to completely change your mind on how to consume probiotics what they can do for you take away because we just were unfortunately crazy break just so your thought about the incredible journey is for the short journey for answer is now so is one of the biggest areas they actually interact with the use of see some of these all express very significantly you see that through are no see that proliferation of cells throughout the body and you get a lot of inflammatory site expression right at that juncture so because the spores are what we call there are so strong and interacting factors
I said before say he's developing vaccines using the scores as this is fascinating so this for vaccine we you stick on the floor and you swallow it this report presents the vision cells you get a more robust patient responses that injecting your armor fire anywhere else you an insulator for example women when they used it as a vehicle for vaccination and they gave him a forward within two hours of swallowing it on anybody's international canal of the female subjects that's how fast it proliferated through the immune system Bonnie Steckel again said this even in places like national canal or the upper respiratory that's how important it is
all people to let his boogers is all these evolutionary behaviors like they have family parties the parties Carolyn each of them when they were between ages three and five are also face a little bit you see them saying so natural for them to pick your nose plotless really looking for and why is the instinct but in your mouth you lose that same time rice sobbing think about while I realize that what is it's a vaccine oral vaccine you pick up viruses mold all that stuff in your upper respiratory tract is now covered with IGA mucus and all that and then when you swallow it goes into your system and the a sample by the and that gives you the community and they had a patient that same with all mucus Hillary elevators designed for you guys part of pullout stuff lungs and swallow it the whole swallowing concept is important all the stuff a sample of the immune system some spores in that way as well so we had success with people in Gary sensitivity or allergic reaction to certain food, and when we eliminate food from the person's diet hello there little bit bring down the inflammation then we have Knoxville slowly introduce the food and really minuscule amounts with the spores this is forcing present the food repair scratches and upregulated your response so you felt little tolerance of so we can react the way our body response things so this is below is the first time I've ever thought about this I want to rewrite a couple things are so a sport based probiotic yeah I'm getting it wrong like you were just just reading your own microbiota we know I we work with PhD at Texas Tech were you trying to develop a probiotic 4C convection mouse model euros it's incredible completely gets rid of that hail yes yes Dr. Hale and he was only just how amazing it was the only problem is work of the work is when the they stuck a catheter and injected which means it wasn't survived: here is used for base probiotics completely different mechanism or else and it isn't like there's populating presenting there truly vehicles down there and presenting to the system so in the apartment small lesson then goes into the: does a lot of important things that are just tires patches which is the cells are presented were you will be 12 this is absolutely one never thought and one for now we've been so silent about slowly tinkering in the lab at all of this stuff and then last year is bringing all this out and talk as well so it is also in the research world is a lot about developing these all of these vaccine bagels with the spores as it does so much with respect to the immune system 1000 TH one Th2 balance so people tend to be very inflammatory and respond to everything and if I'm manner we can actually bring back Th2 one response in those people we see a balance of Luke 10 which is based on your response versus bringing out six in all of these balances of BCC Reese's on my world processes ulcerative colitis as well as talk about that one swallow to always it is happening in your pajamas and stop the drug companies must be this list usually cost 10,000 a month is mother nature still doesn't this is you know millions of years in the making and it's just sitting out here in the environment for us I will say that we were just smart enough so to understand that we should look to nature for what nature has created and then just be smart enough to use it that's all you can be right we can never outsmart nature in the in the infant formula which is always crazy because you know for literally hundreds years a multibillion dollar companies have been working on trying to match his mother's milk we know you feed your baby infant formula versus breast-feeding mothers no there have a lot of metabolic and other immune issues down the road they tend to have high degrees diabetes heart and vascular disease allergies and so on despite the billions of dollars are going to figure out how to create formula we know that you cannot match the millions of years of evolution is nature knows what it's doing to follow be smart enough to figure out what nature is offered is in use next time our focus will ask that is so fascinated the facility my world we'll see autoimmune disease Crohn's and colitis in third world countries the myopic view of parasite there we don't have it here so they have tried multiple times to feed people words in the hopes of tricking the immune system reality is a lot worse for based on then they are parasites because we never really able to actually say okay's parents is probably the spore base is an endless force controlled by we were really dishonest you know we have five states and the biggest question we what just five sanction we need more right and we say no defense what the strings are doing in the system we've always had this idea that the five things and if you get in and significantly change the presence of a lot of when we think of them as the orchestrator's of the microbiota outsource this function to these bacteria is is very little control that we had within our own system to manage the ecology and writing pharmacology goes off it was a single run is very little our own body can do to try to that's all. Thanks so we know that the scores have been in the prescription market since 1952 by the company's axonal treatment is Germany France prescription drugs actually yes 14 dysentery and were pretty because are so good going in using something called quorum sensing where back here read the microbial environment they look at other bacterial Michael signatures vilifying pathogenic bacteria to sit next to they produce upwards of 24 different and aches in that little space to kill off). Right you have the capability of doing that if we have time we'll talk about funny Tamil dog stories of how this is even discovered times we have all the general rule to show to us about it is these micros have the capability of finding and bringing down the levels of pathogenic bacteria if you do the opposite of increasing the good bacteria saluted to say next three months will resolve these spores into the micro bio increases in diversity like 5 pounds 45% find strains bring back the growth of over 300 other stray right and any increases the diversity by two measures one is richness which is how many different bacteria present within the sample and show uniformity actually brings back uniformity my client nothing else is been shown that you will think you can find strength and somehow he strains that work in your gut previously are not there where they come from his wife right and so we don't do that soon and we found out that in certain people these microbes are there such low levels are completely undetectable by her research methods even my things like UPC are we couldn't find certain strains in people and then begin the the next thing you know there hundreds of billions that same area not present in the so they were there just there such tiny amounts nonfunctional in this course will find that the bacteria that are beneficial suffering increase and so forced matrix of the: they actually become part of the crowd in store for you to say which is a growing state so using their lifecycles of what they do is the first one is for form which is how it is one of the city, school form much of the small intestine they are actually in the state which is the active multiplying stated doing all of these functions when the ileum where where the Paris taxes are you go back to the store for because as it turns out they are more immunogenic in the spore form is is fascinating we found that in one of our sites is that they are part of the test and they go where I am the back was for focus are now interacting with the immune cells in the store for and when they could go passively and when they enter the proximal part of large file they go back and say, or forget now when their very end of the larger large file with their terminal and life on the lookout go back to the store as you know that entering the outside world is that it is really environment there things that you remediation so why doesn't every single yeah this is this is: Lucian over millions of years of these bacteria that we've been swallowing inadvertently I think about it is you know the world became cover my bills of the first living things on earth we know that for fact will actually, it's a legal panspermia sound is as interesting as this latest will you reason is the building blocks of life in nucleic acid and protein that started the cellular life must have come from outer space must come from meteorite crashed into the earth because you can find usually acids and amino acids on samples ameliorate your thinking is that word this life for cellular life's from any team during the time of the earth is bombarded with all of these metering say and so they decided to see if there any microbes that exist on earth today negative survived interstellar travel on immediate right from say somewhere like Mars and did a study in the sports great ones and work with survive six years in the summer And actually reenter on your right and be some of the foundations of cellular life this is a published showing so these forcible working we could've been the origins of honor is not languishing in Oso is so fascinating that they've been here way longer than we have we saw that in the notice of the spores in the honey you know that our 250 million years old they found scores in a cave in Southern California salt crystals that they could melt out of salt crystals install program and there were over 50 million years old and are still alive they'd been here since the beginning and you are idea is that we've been swallowing them inadvertently as humans being in this desert because everywhere ubiquitous and then some of them develop this evolution is about being in the survival of the gastric system and then actually start orchestrating the ecology in us which for a long time looked a lot like the ecology was is there is resident between ecology and soil ecology and that's part of why our world is toxic as our soil is that as our food is that I got in so easily orchestrated in the environment is in his years and years of co-evolution they figure out what part of the doctors formulating what started these formulating which part to interact what part of our immune system and then of course they they orchestrate the rest of the population since I never heard about this or never thought about it like this but you're exactly right creators set will survive always there to help you out all word sprays should you told where microbial construct will so you know we have a significant chronic disease right now is not unthinkable when you go 34 years ago 2530 autoimmune disease that we have over so we've created diseases for ourselves to deal over the last 2530 years and so much that can really be rationally tracked back the idea that we continue to use one-way progresses whether it's on our crops in our water in our homes and our food and so your studies using that when somebody is on base for this now determined that they currently can survive up her small hourly drawings as state actors for the vegetative state about_management public soil there have you seen an increase in the proliferation as it comes or they Kate Waller in this environment can reproduce more of these yet it is not we consistent or overloaded with spores to figure out candidate because the people in NASA's old creations or monocultures similarly we don't think what is this is almost natural levels of exposure you're supposed to get from the soil and so we wouldn't have this diverse microbiology that actually happened and so we did testing what we were trying to overload like divine source and we found that they reach a certain threshold level of themselves within the got they don't allow themselves ask the children try to keep it incisor smart smart little critters totally are smarter than we are because they know more about our gut than we do right we can't look at that and go that is off because we don't know what a healthy microbe I'm supposed to look like but they can go and then go yet this is not right and tinker around with things and fix things you know and because of that we the first published study we did was only to get rightly we practice this idea that leaky gut is really a result of this biosensor dysfunction in the bacterial population and so with our thinking that that was forcing go and then fix the dysfunction it should be able to resolve the key got and sure enough we have I think the only published study on a probiotic that shows it can resolve leaky gut in as little as 30 days while totally sealed up tight junctions no more toxins leaking through into the circulation and all of the inflammatory cytokines we looked at all came down significantly in that 30 days, highlight that because there's well over 3300 studies specifically to talk about permeability in the guide and anything that really drew canine to what you are doing mega spore is that research right there is nobody else with a probiotic regardless of delivery system does anything like what megastore does and nobody's been able to demonstrate that you absolutely and we were super excited about it because when we when we prove that then Woodley got and we know that leaking a drive so many other chronic… We said okay if we can resolve leaking with the probiotics then we should be able to fix other things that that are result of leads got so since then we've done a triglyceride study elevated triglyceride we need the studies going through peer review right now clearly published in the next couple months but we saw about a 40 to 45% reduction in elevated triglycerides in a 90 day. Compare that to like a prescription brings on triglycerides maybe 15% act fast enough and of course all the side effects even the prescription fish oil which is a good thing to take but the prescription for shopping center and this is my 25% at best this is over 40% we so we just completed a study on acting because we know of your leaky gut you have inflamed skin we saw a 40% reduction in acting lesion counts in 30 days and compare that to the prescription antibiotic that use Accutane it takes them 90 days to achieve that all of the side effects you get from taking land so yes we have seen all kinds of stuff also when we treat people without trying to it's shockingly good will come up and say all my rosacea cleared up the other nondrug issues that make sense because it's just inflammatory cytokines floating around that is the biggest source of chronic low-grade inflammation and we know chronic low-grade inflammation is the biggest driver of chronic disease the American diabetic Association is doing a whole bunch of studies on and of toxemia which is a kind of leaking that we study and they have at least 15 published studies showing that endo- toxemia is the primary cause of of the onset of diabetes in fact is a study that just published earlier this circle the courtier prep study and it was 462 patients and these are all patients that have high risk factors for developing type II diabetes so there will be a staff history of heart disease all that stuff and they follow these patients over 60 months and they measured all different types of cytokines and inflammatory markers in all that to try to figure out which one of those things with the best predictors of the development of type II diabetes what they showed was leaky got in the leaking of an endotoxin, LPS was the only marker that could predict diabetes triglycerides inflammatory markers that you know you look in six all of that stuff CRP none of that stuff correlated 100% the only thing was he leaking us in the gut and the migration of oxen and so they even recommended that physicians use that endotoxin as is a predictor of diabetes risk so everything often matter as much as that and so we talked about a study that was done at TCU in a couple shows ago were they actually look to people and they induced basically information by injecting LPS yeah and then monitoring them and what they found is the people in the study the nearest to their surprise when you talk about the bacteria in social and all this they showed lack of impulse control emotional mobility and they were very surprised about that and then they actually said that there's a tendency towards addiction because the inflammatory process articles neural inflammation yeah yeah and effect is evident such as LPS from the got leaks through the brain and etching interfere with dopamine binding in dopamine receptors that's fascinating I not seen yeah and so you even though your body is releasing dopamine binding domains are then you're looking for an opening fix and you get into addictive behavior because it most addictive behaviors are driven by dopamine need for dopamine fitness exactly so your interfamily dopamine binding from the sleepiness and you got something I want to bring up one of the happiest animals I've ever met the promise really high dopamine is a camel you know yeah they need to get to the store so it is fascinating so in during World War II the German army had part of their campaign was in North Africa this is super well-documented was documented by a pharmaceutical company started in Germany and what they saw was that most of the German soldiers are dying of dysentery and what the notice was the locals when they would get infections addition. What they would do to stop it was they would find dried camel dung and they would consume the Canada and eating the camel down would stop the dysentery so they took a bunch of the camel back to Germany and you try to figure out what was in the camel and that actually stop the infection and they found this Alyssa Tillis for his which is the same score that we work with and so they launch that as a prescription drug in 1952 to treat dysentery from the camel dung use in North Africa and on that was the first time that the spores we use in the medical world but they been using it in in North Africa and other parts of Savannah for literally thousands of years to treat infections you know in the end so it is also fascinating the NIH recently published a study last year you know we know that where were reaching this post antibiotic worldwide Mercer is a big issue for methicillin-resistant staph they did a big thing was a 500 patient study in Thailand and Southeast Asia they sampled a whole bunch of people and they were looking for the prevalence rate of Mercer colonization of people in different body sites on the scan in the oral cavity and so on what they found was that there was a really high prevalence rate of call colonization by methicillin-resistant staph which is a very scary back care if it starts to in fact it becomes a major problem it was like summer on 35 or 40% of people had colonization by Mercer but here's the thing that was interesting when they look at the people that did not have any Mercer colonization they will try to look at their entire micro bio the entire ecologic and ecological I set up of the body the only difference I could find between people that had lesser composition and did not have it was at the people that did not have it had high levels of Bacillus spores in their system so they can actually see Dr. Seuss board they could see this was a good culture the spores so they could see that the spores were protecting these people against Mercer colonization that's how much they afforded the protection and in and they've been here for millions of years we just have to be smart enough to put it back in our system this is really cool because relaunching the subscription box or the D had subscription box and were teaming up for we got we have one minute left because this is really one of the best deep dive scientific discussions we've had so far on catching so real quick can Ron talk about the partnership between John Teal mega spore and why I don't see why we are excited to be able to show how how I actually heard about you is because I had all these functional medicine doctors you need to meet this brilliant guy who I think has something that can actually augment your product and that's when you ever got in touch and I'm so glad we did very clearly you know your should I not camels it turns out it's a great part because what you guys of development on track tail and the what does in the body is so complementary what the spores do in fact I that that both products would enhance each other's effect you know and when one will be seen that with other things like prebiotic so probably feel as we see and enhance impact so I think the two products in combination will be a true symbiotic which is where 11 product would dramatically Nancy affected the other so I'm totally excited for this partnership because I think it working if both of us are in the family fixing that's now when we combine it really fixing some vets across the board so this is fascinating this is our first roadshow Ron you will always be the first person in every unit along a road show yes gut check project names were Dan San Antonio and I found what is it called AIC member annual international, oh yeah yeah so were down here talking to a lot of functional medical functional medicine practitioners MDs dealers nurse practitioners etc. it's an incredible conference can't thank you enough for taking time to carve out any parting words I just love the nerd out one small that is awesome you think you missed anything you need to go back to how Campbell Joe was the first for transplant sale
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What is Gut Check Project?

Improve your health & quality of life, find the truth between natural and medical science. Join Ken and Co-host Eric Rieger on the GCP, and get an unfiltered approach to your health as they host guests from all over the world. Nothing is off limits. Step in and get your gut checked...Ken (Kenneth Brown, MD) is a board certified gastroenterologist that turned his private practice into a hotbed of innovation. Ken has long been intrigued on how to best care for his patients. He challenged big pharma and developed an all natural solution (Atrantil) for bloating and symptoms of IBS. That lead him to dig deeper and find more answers and uses for polyphenols. Then he began to help his patients that were suffering from inflammation, not only in their guts, but their entire bodies, including neuro/brain & immune issues. Dr. Brown has tackled serious issues with natural and proven methods that his patients love him for. But he is not finished. The Gut Check Project exists to find better answers for you in all aspects of health. Experts in all fields of study, industry, and interest will be found on the GCP. Eric (Eric Rieger, CRNA) is Ken's business partner and actually met Ken while delivering anesthesia to his patients in 2012. Eric saw first hand the passion that Ken had for his patients, his support staff, and for the answers that could improve people's lives. Eric enjoys science and research swell, and has a passion for helping people find sensible means to take care of themselves, but always armed with the best information. Join the GCP and SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!!!!