Crazy Wisdom

In this episode of Crazy Wisdom, Stewart Alsop interviews Jeno Giordano, an adventurer with a diverse background in fitness, underwater welding, offshore construction, and institutional finance. Jeno shares his incredible journey, beginning with how he faced his fear of drowning by becoming an underwater welder. He recounts the adrenaline-filled moments of working deep in the ocean, from demolition dives to narrowly avoiding life-threatening situations. They also explore his transition to working as a VIP host in Las Vegas and his dive into finance and blockchain. Jeno's path weaves through conquering fear, mastering high-risk environments, and eventually conceptualizing new economic and governance systems. To find more of Jeno’s work, check out his Substack or get in touch with him through LinkedIn.

Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation!


00:00 Introduction to Jeno Giordano
00:25 Diving into Underwater Welding
01:58 Challenges and Adventures in Underwater Welding
05:38 Saturation Diving Explained
13:53 Transition from Diving to VIP Hosting
20:39 Inventing SwingFit and Moving into Finance
23:55 Living in Colorado and a New Mission
27:52 Facing the Fear of Being Misunderstood
29:33 A Spiritual Connection in Colorado
30:31 Challenging the Status Quo with New Ideas
37:41 Introducing Earth Economics
46:03 The Concept of Earthtocracy
50:45 The Reality of a Fragmented World
53:37 Final Thoughts and Future Plans

Key Insights
  1. Conquering Fear Through Action: Jeno Giordano shared how he confronted his fear of drowning by becoming an underwater welder. This decision became a transformative experience, teaching him to face challenges head-on. His story emphasizes how facing primal fears can lead to profound personal growth.
  2. The Unseen World of Offshore Construction: Jeno's career in underwater welding exposed the audience to the high-risk, high-reward environment of offshore construction. From welding pipes on oil rigs to handling explosives, he detailed the physical and mental endurance required for such a dangerous job. His experiences highlight the incredible work done in unseen, extreme environments.
  3. Importance of Adaptability: Jeno’s transition from a deep-sea diver to a VIP host in Las Vegas illustrates the importance of being adaptable and open to new opportunities. Despite the stark contrast between the roles, Jeno leveraged his unique background to connect with people from around the world, showing how diverse experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities.
  4. Insights into Institutional Finance and Blockchain: During his time in institutional finance, Jeno learned how massive sums of money move discreetly through "dark pools" and over-the-counter (OTC) trading. He emphasized that much of the world’s financial system operates behind the scenes, challenging public perceptions about how wealth and liquidity are managed on global markets.
  5. The Earth as an Economic Asset: One of the key insights Jeno shared is the idea of viewing the Earth itself as the most valuable asset. In his work on Earth Economics, he advocates for a new way of valuing natural resources and revising how we calculate global wealth by considering the intrinsic value of the planet’s ecosystems.
  6. A Vision for a New Governance Model: Jeno’s concept of "Earthtocracy" is a proposed new governance structure designed to address the limitations of current democratic and centralized systems. His model aims to create a more functional and balanced global society by taking the best aspects of various governance systems and applying them in a way that respects both individual and collective needs.
  7. Balancing Decentralization and Globalism: Jeno explained the paradox of decentralization in modern society, where, despite fears of centralization, we are fragmented into countless local and global power structures. He argues for a shift in perspective, urging people to view the Earth as a singular colony and create systems that are more interconnected and cooperative on a global scale.

What is Crazy Wisdom?

In his series "Crazy Wisdom," Stewart Alsop explores cutting-edge topics, particularly in the realm of technology, such as Urbit and artificial intelligence. Alsop embarks on a quest for meaning, engaging with others to expand his own understanding of reality and that of his audience. The topics covered in "Crazy Wisdom" are diverse, ranging from emerging technologies to spirituality, philosophy, and general life experiences. Alsop's unique approach aims to make connections between seemingly unrelated subjects, tying together ideas in unconventional ways.