The Premise

Chris Whitaker is a UK based author of three Thrillers— We Begin at the End, is his latest. In this episode he talks about how it all began, having his novel optioned for a TV series, and why he chose to make his protagonist a thirteen year old girl.

Show Notes

Chris Whitaker’s most recent novel, We Begin at the End, was actually conceived of very early in his writing journey. Like few other authors, Chris never imagined he’d become a writer, but a traumatic event changed that. He started writing as a form of therapy to deal with the aftermath of that event, and to tell his story and express parts of himself in a ways completely removed from the personal. He also talks with Jeniffer about his process, how he found an agent, his missteps along the way, and the many jobs he had before landing a book deal. There’s also a bit of a listener Q&A at the end from the live version of this interview via Warwick’s Books.  


Creators & Guests

Jeniffer Thompson
Writer. Reader. Interviewer. Cohost of The Premise Podcast. I help authors build brands + websites. Cofounder of the San Diego Writers Festival. Chicken-mama.

What is The Premise?

Here on The Premise Jeniffer and Chad Thompson talk to storytellers of all types. From authors to musicians, poets, screenwriters, and comedians we get down to the tiny grain of sand that becomes a pearl—getting to the story behind the storyteller.