Flix and a Six

Light on news, heavy on consumption, and a particularly strong movie chat this week. Tune in.

The Basics
  • FlickThe Truman Show
  • SixDistrict 96 Sleepy Joe
  • HostsAnthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi

Toot-length Reviews

The Truman Show, how charming, devastating, and utterly f$cked. 7/10 — Anthony

Exceedingly odd, oddly prescient, and perfectly Jim Carrey. Whether you want to laugh, cry, or crawl out of your skin, no one can tell you you’re wrong. 7.5/10 — Al

What is Flix and a Six?

Flix and a Six is podcast about movies and beer. Anthony and Al are cousins that love to grab a couple drinks and discuss films. They thought it would be fun to share it with you. This is the first podcast in a series of creative entertainment outlets produced by The Spinchoon.