
This quarantine is doing some serious mental damage... which means it's just another day for Dem Bois™! Chase praises Rand Paul for contracting Covid-19 and potentially infecting all of DC. Sam ponders on the prospects of doing TikTok again after learning about TikTokers in prison. Tre tries to play footsie with Sam and Bingy has to smoke a ciggy to calm the hell down.

Also, Terry finds more alien spies and Bingy talks about comics and video games during a g*dd*mn movie segment because of course he does.

Show Notes

This quarantine is doing some serious mental damage... which means it's just another day for Dem Bois™! Chase praises Rand Paul for contracting Covid-19 and potentially infecting all of DC. Sam ponders on the prospects of doing TikTok again after learning about TikTokers in prison. Tre tries to play footsie with Sam and Bingy has to smoke a ciggy to calm the hell down.

Also, Terry finds more alien spies and Bingy talks about comics and video games during a g*dd*mn movie segment because of course he does.

What is HighAFLander?

Chase Dyer(Comedian), Terry Snow(Filmmaker)(CNN,The Last Movie Star), Sam Donnelly(Musician/Comedian)(Guitarist for Deconbrio) and Bingy discuss drugs, movies, conspiracies, and the ridiculousness that is their lives.