Canny Conversations Podcast by Safaraz Ali

Is the traditional 9-5 workday hindering your potential? Discover how fostering a culture of lifelong learning and adaptability can bridge the digital skills gap within your organization. We challenge employers to move beyond outdated training methods and instead champion a dynamic environment of continuous learning for all employees, regardless of age or role. By embracing flipped classroom training and experimental learning, businesses can uncover hidden talents within their workforce, equipping them for the digital age. 
Take a trip back to the early 1990s with us as we draw intriguing parallels to today's technological revolution. We explore the urgency for businesses to adapt to technological advancements or face obsolescence. Encouraging investment in work-based learning and apprenticeship programs, we push for a proactive embrace of change. Drawing inspiration from Daniel H. Pink's "Drive," we dissect the role of intrinsic motivation in boosting productivity, and how pushing employees with challenging tasks can bridge national productivity gaps.
In a world that thrives on diversity and innovation, we explore the indispensable role of universities and apprenticeship programs in preparing individuals for tech and digital sectors. Cities like Birmingham and London become vibrant examples of multicultural success, highlighting the potential to sustain a dynamic economy through cultural exchange. We celebrate initiatives like the Multicultural Apprenticeship and Skills Alliance and the impact of nurturing an inclusive, globally aware community. Join us as we share our commitment to this exciting journey towards a more interconnected society, inspired by leaders like Darren who champion positive societal change.

What is Canny Conversations Podcast by Safaraz Ali?

Canny Conversations Podcast by Safaraz Ali Social Entrepreneur, CEO of Pathway Group and proud Birmingham business leader, where he shares his insights and experiences on entrepreneurialism, having a growth mindset and getting the best out of people as well as useful information to help your grow your business, develop and build your team.

Canny Conversations has now completed over 50 episodes making an impact on UK business Podcasts and demonstrating how sustainable business can benefit. In the third series Safaraz speaks with journalist Adrian Kibbler as well as some great guests sharing their thoughts and insights. In the fourth series Safaraz shares his own individual thoughts again.

Canny conversations are intended to challenge and cannily captivate. Let us know if they do or otherwise!

The topics covered in these conversations range from individual biographies & life stories to industry specific conversations as well as all things self development, enterprise & entrepreneurship and that’s just for starters. Previously we have received very good feedback on a number of our podcasts with topics such as; the importance of people, how to recruit them and get the best from them. It explores what makes a good leader and how to build strong teams within a winning culture.

‘Don’t expect to agree with everything but remain open and challenged. There is plenty to ‘chew on’ as Safaraz might say.

Safaraz Ali is the author of Canny Bites books, the fourth book being the lates titled: ‘Successfully Scale Up or Exit Your Business’ which helps business owners and leaders know exactly what they need to consider when growing their business. It’s a workbook and a checklist for entrepreneurs to help put the foundations in place ensuring they have the right toolkits to make scaling an easier task.