Taking Control of Cancer

In this episode, Steve Bland and Femi Odewale are exploring the Targeted Lung Health Check programme and finding out how it is saving lives through early diagnosis of lung cancer, as well as the support available to help people stop smoking.
Our guest is Stephanie Uys, Clinical Director for Targeted Lung Health Check Programme in north east London. Stephanie leads the Targeted Lung Health Check programme in north east London from a clinical perspective. She works for Barts Health and is also working with the cancer alliance on the programme. She is helping to drive uptake from both GP practices to get on board with the programme and also with patients so that more residents come forward for their free lung check. A key part of the programme is also about encouraging smokers to join a free, local smoking cessation programme which can help prevent lung cancer.
Lung cancer is one of the top 10 cancer types in north east London and nationally, around 50,000 cases of lung cancer are diagnosed every year (as stated on the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation website).
Early stages of lung cancer often don’t have any symptoms. However, at an early stage it is easier to treat and so early diagnosis is the key. The Targeted Lung Health Check Programme is designed to find anything early, which is helping to save lives. It is available free to 55-74 year olds who have ever smoked and the programme is going well in north east London, with one of the highest uptake rates in the country.
This episode looks at the impact the programme is having on improving the health of our population through both checking lungs and helping people to quit smoking, while at the same time also helping to reduce health inequalities.
More information on the Targeted Lung Health Check Programme is here: https://www.nelcanceralliance.nhs.uk/tlhc

What is Taking Control of Cancer?

Welcome to Taking Control of Cancer, the podcast from the North East London Cancer Alliance. Think of us as your ‘how to’ guide when it comes to busting common cancer myths, overcoming fears and barriers, and improving cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.

This series aims to provide both patients and healthcare professionals with tangible things they can do to help when it comes to cancer. Whilst we know not all cancers are preventable, there are things we can all do that could make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of our family, friends and colleagues.

There are two underlying themes across all episodes – the importance of early diagnosis, and reducing health inequalities.

Steve Bland is an award-winning podcaster and producer and one of the three presenters of the BBC podcast You, Me and the Big C, which was set up by his first wife - BBC presenter Rachael Bland - before her death from triple negative breast cancer in 2018.

Regular guests:
Dr Angela Wong, Chief Medical Officer, North East London Cancer Alliance:
Angela is a driving force behind improving cancer diagnostics for residents across north east London. As Chief Medical Officer for the North East London Cancer Alliance, Angela works tirelessly on delivering innovation and service improvements for cancer patients.

Femi Odewale, Managing Director, North East London Cancer Alliance:
Femi leads the programme teams from the North East London Cancer Alliance across three core areas of work: Early Diagnosis, Diagnosis and Treatment, and Personalised Care.