The Good Tech Companies

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:$100000-airdrop-event.
ELFi is the first to implement a Portfolio Margin and vAMM hybrid model on-chain.
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This story was written by: @chainwire. Learn more about this writer by checking @chainwire's about page, and for more stories, please visit

ELFi is a decentralized derivatives trading platform dedicated to creating a unique and forward-looking trading experience. ELFi is the first to implement a Portfolio Margin and vAMM hybrid model on-chain. The platform strives to better meet market and user needs in areas such as risk isolation, asset pricing, and support for LSD assets.

What is The Good Tech Companies ?

Distributing the announcements and blogs posts by the the top software, crypto, ai, futurism and technology companies. An audio story feed by HackerNoon.