The Seismic Shift with Michelle K. Johnston

Morag Barrett, a sought-after leadership expert and co-author of the best-selling book, You, Me, We, shares insights on the professional benefits of being an ally at work. 

Morag emphasizes the move from a traditional, hierarchical model to a more human-centric approach. She discusses her journey from a traditional banking environment to embracing the power of bringing one's authentic self to work.

The conversation unfolds to explore the significance of showing up as an ally at work, not only for individual growth but for the betterment of organizational culture. Morag sheds light on the five practices outlined in 'You, Me, We' that empower individuals to be intentional allies and foster meaningful connections.

Join Michelle and Morag as they navigate the seismic shifts in leadership and share practical tips for creating a workplace where everyone can thrive.

You, Me, We: Why We All Need a Friend At Work

You can pick up a copy of Michelle Johnston's newest book, The Seismic Shift, on her website:

What is The Seismic Shift with Michelle K. Johnston?

Welcome to Seismic Shift - a leadership podcast that focuses on connection. I’m your host, Michelle K. Johnston: management professor, executive coach, and leadership expert. I believe that today’s leaders need more than power and control to get the best from their teams; they need connection. Through interviews with some of today’s top business leaders, we are going to explore how leaders' ability to connect with themselves, their teams, and their organizations defines their ultimate success or failure. This podcast runs in close parallel to my new book, The Seismic Shift in Leadership, where you can find even more insights from me and the brilliant leaders I interviewed this season. So let's set our sights on connection and get ready to take on the daunting, yet exciting, challenge of this Seismic Shift.