Answers from the Lab

Bobbi Pritt, M.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new assay identifies less-common tick-borne bacteria in whole blood. The assay is recommended when tick-borne bacterial infection is suspected but standard testing is unrevealing.

 Do you mind giving us a brief introduction of yourself and what you do at Mayo?
 Can you tell us a little about the test and how it came to be?
 Could you explain the types of patients this test would be best suited for and how a provider might determine if their patient would benefit from this?
 Would you please explain why the algorithm is recommended and where in the algorithm this test fits?
 What makes this test different from what's currently available to providers?
 How can the information be used in patient care? And can you talk a little bit about how the diagnosis can be clarified by using this assay, why it's important, and how the results would impact a patient's care and treatment plan?

What is Answers from the Lab?

A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.