Top Priority | Ideas for Human Flourishing

Both sides of the aisle are working to change Section 230, but today's guest says that would harm free speech, especially marginalized voices who have found community in the Internet.

Show Notes

Show: 031 Top Priority Podcast | How Altering Section 230 Threatens the Free Speech of Marginalized Communities
Date Recorded: November 13, 2020 
Host: Duane Lester, Director of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 
Guests: Billy Easley, Sr. Policy Analyst, Americans for Prosperity Foundation
Additional Resources  

Our Vision

We break barriers that stand in the way of people realizing their potential. This moves our society toward one of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping others improve their lives.

History demonstrates people are capable of extraordinary things when they have the opportunity to learn, contribute, and succeed. We can transform society by breaking the internal and external barriers that 
prevent people from realizing their potential, enabling all people to improve their lives and find fulfillment by helping others do the same. 

This vision is guided by the following mutually reinforcing principles:

Equal Rights

A system of equal rights—articulated in the Declaration of Independence—requires respect for the dignity of all people and equality under the law. 

Mutual Benefit

When the values and laws of society respect the dignity of individuals and uphold their rights, people succeed by creating value for others, motivating them to assist rather than harm one another.


Equal rights and mutual benefit foster openness by allowing the free movement of ideas, resources, and people that generate knowledge, innovation, and opportunity, fueling progress throughout society.

For such a society to exist, its key institutions— education, communities, business, government— remove rather than erect barriers to people 
realizing their potential and finding fulfillment. 

As more people have the opportunity to use their unique talents to succeed by helping others improve their lives, society flourishes. To realize this vision, we strive to build movements of millions by inspiring and equipping principled social-change entrepreneurs to bring us closer to a society of mutual benefit by eliminating injustice of all kinds. 

We stand by our principles at whatever cost, with a commitment to unite with anybody willing to dedicate themselves to any of these goals. Recognizing the magnitude of the task, our efforts are guided by a heightened sense of urgency.  We are committed to continually transforming ourselves and our organizations, constantly experimenting, learning, and innovating. As we improve and add to our capabilities, new opportunities open, which point to the need for additional capabilities, and so on, in never-ending cycles of improvement and human betterment.

What is Top Priority | Ideas for Human Flourishing?

We have a deep belief in people and promote ideas of human flourishing.

Top Priority is a collection of interactive, learning-oriented conversations on how the Stand Together Community engages with and advocates for solutions through the lens of our Community Vision: We transform society by breaking the internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their potential, enabling all people to improve their lives and find fulfillment by helping others do the same.

The Stand Together Community Vision is guided by four, mutually reinforcing principles: Equal Rights | Mutual Benefit | Openness | Self-Actualization

Explore the free and civil society through the lens of each of these four mutually reinforcing principles and stand together to help every person rise.

Top Priority is a production of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Grassroots Leadership Academy, where we make Human Flourishing a top priority.