You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law

Kate Dwyer, a Northeastern University School of Law graduate, explains the benefits of working for her law school and taking control over the bar exam.

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Show Notes

When a tweet about withdrawing from the bar exam went viral, Kate Dwyer embraced the attention and interacted with hundreds of people about how to trust yourself and your journey. After working as a paralegal in a plaintiff’s attorney and immigration office, Kate decided to attend law school and develop more practical legal skills. So when Kate Dwyer failed the bar exam, then withdrew from the next exam, Kate had to change her career plans. At the time of the recording, Kate Dwyer was a fellow with the Center for Public Interest Advocacy and Collaboration, where she was a project manager and grant writer. Currently, Kate Dwyer is working as a program coordinator for refugee family reunification.

Listen to learn:

  • How to trust yourself
  • The importance of jobs where your JD is an advantage
  • Why a paralegal would attend law school 

We also discuss:

  • How to the bar exam affects your mental health
  • Best career choices if you have a JD and an interest in immigration/immigrant civil rights
  • Why you should forgive yourself for failing the bar exam

Kate Dwyer is not licensed to practice law. Learn more about Kate Dwyer:  



You Are A Lawyer is hosted by Kyla Denanyoh. Follow the podcast:




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What is You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law?

You Are A Lawyer is an interview podcast that promotes lawyers with fearless career changes, ambitious side hustles, and extraordinary lives.

On this top-rated podcast, Kyla holds space for lawyers to be transparent and honest about their law school experiences, transitions out of the law, or the leaps they took to become a filmmaker, yogi, beauty brand founder, entrepreneur, etc.

Ranked at 42 of the Top 90 Legal Podcasts, this podcast will motivate you to start that side hustle, challenge you to find a nontraditional career, and push you to embrace the hobby you’ve been hiding.

So ask yourself, are you an ambitious lawyer who feels limited in your career? A law student who daydreams about impacting the world? Did you struggle with the bar exam, and now you’re bored with the law?

Listen to You Are A Lawyer and discover new careers, amazing passions, and advice from lawyers who will motivate you to find new ways to use your law degree. Whether you’re working as an artist, tech investor, coach, or blogger, if you’ve graduated from law school, YOU ARE A LAWYER, and your law degree is valuable.

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