The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

The Lesley Riddoch Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 688 Season 1

Resolutions and reshuffles

Resolutions and reshufflesResolutions and reshuffles


The SNP Annual Conference saw two significant motions passed on the setting up of a Scottish Reserve Bank and a Scottish Civil Service. Dr Tim Rideout spearheaded both of these and he spoke to us about their importance and chances of becoming SNP policy. We also examine the recent Labour Party reshuffle, Nicola Sturgeon's conference speech, potential runners and riders in a Tory Party leadership contest, and Pat vanishes down a holiday of obligation rabbit hole.

Show Notes

It doesn't seem two minutes since the last one but it was the 87th SNP Annual Conference, once again in its online version, last week.It saw two significant motions passed on the setting up of a Scottish Reserve Bank and a Scottish Civil Service. Dr Tim Rideout spearheaded both of these and he spoke to us about their importance and chances of becoming SNP policy. Plus we got an insight into the internal workings of the party ,from his perspective, in terms of the chances of conference resolutions becoming party policy and the role of the Policy Development Committee.
We also look at what was contained in Nicola Sturgeon's keynote speech.

The media focused on the row over who knew what and when about Keir Starmer's Labour Shadow ministerial reshuffle. However there seems to be a definite split over both the creation of a National Energy Company and a move away from fossil fuel reliance when the change in portfolio for Ed Milliband at a UK level, and the resignation of Monica Lennon from her Holyrood post, are taken into account.

 It's St Andrew's Day,so we shamelessly plug "The Coach's" charity to restore the birthplace of our national flag,the saltire.
To find out more you can visit the website . You can also follow them on Twitter @saltirescotland.
As usual there's also a whole lot more including Pat's, mercifully cut short by Lesley, trip down Catholic holidays of obligation rabbit hole.

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What is The Lesley Riddoch Podcast?

Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.