Joplin ToadCast

Hello, and welcome to the Joplin Toadcast! This podcast is brought to you by the one and only Joplin Toad. The toad is a multimedia platform meant to celebrate art, culture, and humor from the city of Joplin, Missouri.

In this episode, we bring together three total strangers with one fascinating trait in common: synesthesia. Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which information meant to stimulate one sense, actually stimulates several senses at once. This leads to multi-sensory experiences that are very unique to those with the condition.

This episode’s guests are Alan Melot, Aubrey Prunty, and Mindy Stohs. Let’s listen in!

Show Notes

Thanks for listening!

If you want to reach out to make a comment or ask a question of the toad or of our guests about today’s topic, you can send those thoughts to We’ll reach out to our participants from today and provide their answers to your questions through social media. We’d love to see a conversation form from curious people or others who have the condition and want to share their own experiences!

This podcast has been brought to you by the Joplin Toad. Give us a follow by searching for the Joplin Toad on your favorite social media platform, visiting, or picking up one of our printed magazine issues at your favorite local coffeeshop. 

One more thing. If you enjoyed this episode, will you give us a quick rating on apple podcasts? Without your good ratings, we’re like wilting flowers with no water. Don’t let us wilt. 

This episode was hosted by Mark 9schwander, produced and edited by Jeremiah Jones, and introduced by me, Fitherton Crammsworth, esquire. 

The song you heard was by Joplin band Blister Soul; check out their brand new EP, "Signs of the times," wherever you delight your ears.

Later Toads!

What is Joplin ToadCast?

Joplin ToadCast is an extension of The Joplin Toad, an intergalactic, arts-based, online magazine celebrating the city of Joplin, MO. Joplin humor, journalism, art, history and more!

Logo created by Austin Spencer.