Living the Teachings of Sai Baba

In this new series 'The Deeper Teachings of Sai Baba' Gautam dwells deeper into Baba's words and teachings from the Sai Gyaneshwari.

The Sai Gyaneshwari is a sacred compilation and translation of the poetic verses of Das Ganu Maharaj, i.e. Shri Sant Kathamrita, Shri Bhakti Lilamrita, and Shri Bhakti Saaramrita which contain the conversations between Sai Baba and His devotee Nana Saheb Chandorkar.

For the convenience of devotees, this book is made available for devotees through

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In this new series 'The Deeper Teachings of Sai Baba' Gautam dwells deeper into Baba's words and teachings from the Sai Gyaneshwari. 

The Sai Gyaneshwari is a sacred compilation and translation of the poetic verses of Das Ganu Maharaj, i.e. Shri Sant Kathamrita, Shri Bhakti Lilamrita, and Shri Bhakti Saaramrita which contain the conversations between Sai Baba and His devotee Nana Saheb Chandorkar. 

For the convenience of devotees, this book is made available for devotees through  

What is Living the Teachings of Sai Baba?

In Living the Teachings of Sai Baba, we interview spiritual teacher Gautam Sachdeva where he gives insights on how one can Live Baba's teachings and begin to feel peace of mind in their daily living.