Innovation in Energy

In the latest episode of Innovation in Energy, our podcast panel explores the opportunity for the UK to play a leading role in the processing of critical minerals as global lithium demand continues to grow.

With a shift to renewable energy sources and increased deployment of Electric Vehicles (EVs), developed nations across Europe and North America are playing catch-up with China in the race for critical minerals. To reset the balance and meet their decarbonisation commitments, countries like the UK should focus on building integrated supply chains to produce battery chemicals closer to home.

Cameron Tonkin, COO of Green Lithium, joins our host, Liz Hunt, sector leader for Energy & Resources, PwC UK, and Alan Moore, Capital Projects Director for Energy, Utilities and Resources, to discuss the opportunity.

What is Innovation in Energy?

A potential revolution in the energy industry is being led by the ongoing shift from the current system (based predominantly on fossil fuels) to a low carbon, smarter, and electrified system. Join PwC and third party experts in this podcast, as we examine the accelerating changes and the innovators who are tackling the sector, as it becomes increasingly digital, distributed and personalised.