Life Science Marketing Society

Is your marketing working?

The reality is, many life science marketers simply don't know. Or they don't find out the answer until they've already made large investments in time, money and resources. Maybe you've even put your neck on the line for a campaign you believe in, but your belief is founded on gut feel, not evidence.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Laura Browne describes Marketing Performance Management as "the combination of processes and technologies used by an organization to create the plans and objectives, put them into action, measure the results and feed the next cycle through insights gained and wisdom achieved". By putting this iterative cycle into practice, your marketing will get consistently more effective over time. And you'll find it so much easier to acquire resources from your boss.

In this episode, you'll discover:

- The 4 "P's" of marketing operations – and how to put them to work for you
- How to ensure you base your marketing goals on facts, not assumptions
- How to unlock your potential by allocating budgets to OUTCOMES rather than activities

What is Life Science Marketing Society?

The Life Science Marketing Society brings your insights, advice, and wisdom from marketing experts within the life sciences and beyond.

Expect to discover hard-won lessons, wisdom gained from experience, and viewpoints on the latest developments in marketing, taken from webinars presented by our members.

All marketers are welcome to join, and if you'd like to contribute a presentation to the society, please feel free to drop us a line to apply at