Cedarville Stories

Dr. DeWitt speaks directly to the heart.

Show Notes

Dr. Kris DeWitt, professor of psychology at Cedarville University, pays close attention to her heart. Her mom and dad put all their heart into raising Dr. DeWitt and her siblings, and set an example of sincere devotion to Jesus Christ. Later in life, Dr. DeWitt experienced a health emergency which has led her to be more attentive to her physical heart, but also to her spiritual heart. As an instructor, she is known as a caring, kind, and committed. But she quickly points out that the overflow this is simply a reflection of how she’s been loved by Christ. Dr. DeWitt’s heart overflows with gratitude, and it shows.


Dr. DeWitt shared her personal testimony, based on Psalm 34, in Cedarville’s chapel last year.
An important aspect of a healthy spiritual heart is the ability to forgive. Dr. DeWitt is the author of a book on the subject, Finding Freedom in Forgiveness.
Two pivotal verses for Dr. DeWitt have been Isaiah 41:10 and 13, and Romans 15:13.

What is Cedarville Stories?

Cedarville Stories podcast shares the stories of individuals who have been impacted from their experiences at Cedarville University, all for God's glory. Each week you’ll hear unique stories of how Cedarville’s mission of transforming lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority is being lived out in the lives of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the University.

Listen in each Wednesday and be blessed by some of the amazing ways God is working in and through the lives of the Cedarville family.