Cheers & Queers

Cheers & Queers Trailer Bonus Episode 4 Season 2

Cheers & Queers - Wet Your Appetite...

Cheers & Queers - Wet Your Appetite...Cheers & Queers - Wet Your Appetite...


A smol aperitif to get you ready! We chat about co-habitating, marriage, plant witchery, and what the show is doing next. Follow us at CheersNQueers, Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).

Show Notes

A smol aperitif to get you ready! We chat about co-habitating, marriage, plant witchery, and what the show is doing next. Follow us at CheersNQueers, Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).
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What is Cheers & Queers?

A boozie podcast about Black queer life hosted by Kirya Traber and Isake Smith.