The Void

This is a podcast for remembering that you are a creator. And to remind you to call forward and mobilize the deepest dreams of your hearts. The Void is also an invitation to go a bit deeper into this work through our membership, a space for wild-hearted, vision-minded creators to find the courage to shape something beautiful out of the lives we've been given.

What is The Void?

The void as a symbol represents the cosmic womb, the uncreated place where all things emerge. It is the liminal, the imaginal, it is the womb, the soil. The void is the black of a new moon night. It is seed wisdom. And soil wisdom. It is the oceanic depths, too deep for our imagining. It is the realm of the goddess. And of the moon. And of the creative process.

Inside of this podcast, we explore all things change, initiation, and the creative process.

Some of the things you'll hear us talking about on the The Void are the mysteries of the creative process, deep world initiations, the psychospiritual descent to soul, and our eros, our sexual lifeforce and kundalini energy rising up through our bodies to meet us with vitality as we vote for life. We will talk about the magdalene mysteries of manifestation as well as the law of assumption, nervous system healing, and feeding your life with new stories, new templates, new codes that have their roots in the old myths of the many faced, multi-aspected goddess. We will talk about somatic mythwork and how when we weave new constructs to live by, the world changes. We talk about relationships and explore regenerating our ways of relating. We talk about psychedelic assisted change processes and ceremony. We will talk about the edges and threshold of identity death, deep change, and regenerative masculinity.

Learn more about the podcast, resources, and other offerings at