Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs

Literacy coach Welsley Jongko joins us in the studio today to talk about the process of learning to read and to encourage those of us who have beginning readers at home! She explains the current reading crisis in America and the simple but effective things parents can do to support their children on their way to become lifelong readers. There are so many great tips and resources shared in the conversation today, be sure you check the links in today’s show notes! 

Episode Recap:
2:11 Welsley is a literacy coach supporting teachers in the K-5 school system
4:00 Karen shares the story of Abby’s dyslexia diagnosis 
7:56 Tips for parents who are already overwhelmed by the new school year
9:40 How can parents help foster a love of learning in their child? 
12:12 Is there a difference between a late learner and a struggling reader?
16:00 What are the red flags your child is struggling to read? 
23:08 Additional early signs of dyslexia
26:00 What is the problem with “whole language” instruction? 
30:37 Tips and strategies for helping your beginning reader enjoy the process
34:15 More resources from Welsley Jongko on learning to read

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.”

Questions for Discussion:
  1. Did Welsley’s insights on the reading crisis in America resonate with your own experiences? Have you had or do you have a child who struggles with reading? 
  2. Were there any strategies or suggestions for helping your child that stood out to you as particularly helpful?
  3. Fostering a love of learning is crucial for young readers. Does reading aloud happen regularly in your home? What are some favorite books in your family? Have you ever tried listening to audiobooks together? Is this an area you can grow in as a family? 


Creators & Guests

Emily Korosec
Co-host of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
Karen Stubbs
Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.
Katie Leipprandt
Producer of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
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What is Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs?

Wire Talk was created to encourage and equip moms throughout the challenging and life-changing journey of motherhood. Each week on Wire Talk Karen Stubbs offers godly, practical advice on the topics every mother has questions about: mom guilt, our children’s faith, potty-training, divorce, our teenagers dating, and more!