The Business Nightingale Project

Listen in as Reem Kharbat shares a tender experience and suggestions for inner resilience. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss Part Two of Reem’s Interview where she speaks to a bit of the pain she has felt while having to move through difficult challenges.

Show Notes

Reem Kharbat is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, author, and an award-winning knowledge broker with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Her top-ranked podcast, The Entrepreneur Accelerator, has featured crucial voices of influence, such as Elena Cardone, Dean Graziosi, and more.Reem comes with over 15 years of experience as a CFO and member of the board of directors for Telecom Group. She has been featured as a guest speaker at summits such as 12 Days of Experts and Mass Movement. She owns three multi-six-figures businesses and has been featured in top media such as Vogue Magazine. Reem is the founder of “TEAL: The Entrepreneur Lab” and is on a mission to help entrepreneurs turn their knowledge into high ticket offers and get their first client in eight weeks using organic marketing. 

A Listen-In Quote: 

“I had to find a way to dream.“

Connect with Reem:

What is The Business Nightingale Project?

Suicide. Business failures. Lockdowns. These are the scenarios so many now face because of 2021 and its difficulties. Listen in at "The Business Nightingale Project" where we band together to rescue our fellow travelers in life who are experiencing a tight pinch on their battlegrounds of life, fighting to keep hope and to stay alive during the Covid lockdowns. Here successful entrepreneurs get vulnerable and real about what has brought them hope when things seemed darkest. Subscribe to the podcast and download the episodes to find yourself surrounded by supportive, vibrant new friends.