Adopting Joy

Today we are talking about leadership skills at all levels even at the personal level. What are the traits, qualities, and characteristics that people want to see in their leaders? Excellent leadership skills can apply to anyone, anywhere and those can be applied not just to leaders, but how you are as a colleague, a parent, a friend, a significant other, and much more. With our behavior, we are setting an example for people around us, for our children or siblings because someone is always watching us. Grab a pen and paper because you will find these tips extremely useful.

Show Notes

👍 Excellent leadership traits can and should apply to anyone and anywhere. 01:12

😷 Even COVID affected the way we work, people still want to see these traits in leaders. 05:05

🤓 Why integrity is so important? 07:04

👂 Listen to understand, not to respond. 08:26

❗ You never know what someone is going through. 09:39

😉 What motivates people to work better? 10:52

🤔 What can make you lose the respect of the people who depend on you? 12:11

🤗 Leadership is a lot like parenting. 13:18

😎 Why do people want to follow competent leaders. 14:26

👀 Why planning and forward-looking is important. 15:15

❓ What to do when macro and micro mission is lost? 17:22

🌞 People want to feel inspired. 18:47

✨ Do you have an open mind and is that possible with aging? 21:26

🚦 Are we open to change? 24:25

🙃 Can you admit your mistakes? 25:46

🤩 We are all human beings, patience is very important. 27:06

🫂 EQ is a predictor of success: five competencies of emotional intelligence 28:23

👉 Connect with Colleen:
🖼️ Instagram: @AdoptingJoy_
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🐦 Twitter: @AdoptingJoy

What is Adopting Joy?

The Adopting Joy podcast was created to help you overcome adversity, follow your fate, and find joy, so you can create your best life. Join Colleen Seward Ryan as she shares inspirational insights and actionable tips, tools, and techniques on topics like dealing with difficult people, how to get and stay motivated, transforming your past into your purpose, inspiring dog stories, and more.
An international speaker and author, Colleen has entertained thousands with her energetic and inspirational keynotes in 48 states and six countries. She loves helping others overcome adversity, deal with difficult people and elevate their confidence. Colleen has made it her mission to inspire others to transform their struggles into successes