The Tillage Edge

Spring crops will develop quickly in the shorter season and timing of the necessary inputs will be difficult.  
Shay Phelan and Ciaran Collins, Teagasc Tillage Specialists, join this week’s Tillage Edge to talk about sequencing the critical inputs to crops.
Shay says growers should be cautious about nitrogen rates to ensure malting barley quality is achieved and Ciaran talks through how to sequence herbicides for broadleaf weed control and canary grass control.   

These topics will be discussed in more depth at the current round of crop walks and for more details on the Teagasc Spring Crop Walks go to: 
For more episodes and information from the Tillage Edge podcast go to:

Produced on behalf of Teagasc by

What is The Tillage Edge?

The Tillage Edge is Teagasc's new tillage podcast, presented by Michael Hennessy.

Bringing you weekly episodes covering agronomy needs of crops throughout the season with input from Teagasc researchers and views from across the industry.

Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Tillage Edge is a co-production with LastCastMedia ( .